造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、Plutocrats who win political power will not necessarily wield it well, as Italy has found.(正如意大利人发现的那样,财阀一旦掌力,不一定能够很好地运用权力。)
2、wield your super-parent powers for the good of the family.(只要是对家庭有好处的,尽情的行使你的超级父母权力吧!)
3、You wield it and are subject to it. This is because we are all interconnected.(人们支配权力并受权力支配,其原因在于我们是互相联系的。)
4、All this explains why the bosses of several start-ups have started to wield a big axe.(所有这些都解释了为什么几家创业公司的老板已经开始挥起巨斧。)
5、America's big non-profit hospitals can wield budgets as big as its for-profit ones.(美国的大型非营利医院可以和营利医院一样支配大笔预算。)
6、My students quickly see that the simplest way parents can elicit cooperation from children is to wield power tools.(我的学生们很快发现,父母能让孩子们合作的最简单方法就是使用奇怪的电动工具。)
7、It all depends on how you wield the carbon calculator.(一切取决于你如何统计碳的产出。)
8、At the front door, they wield electronic wands, scanning the evening's other diners for hidden weapons.(在餐厅门口,特工们将挥舞着电子棒,检查餐厅的其他食客是否携带武器。)
9、When it does, it will wield enormous economic clout and, hopefully, change our world for the better.(当它实现的时候,会成长为巨大的经济力量,并且,将我们的世界变得更美好。)
10、The European Union (EU) may also have a stick to wield, though it is not yet clear how big.(欧盟在监管上可能也会有一席之位,目前让欧盟居何要职还不得而知。)
11、He can wield a deadly knife when he chooses to.(如果需要,他会挥舞着致命的小刀参加战斗。)
12、Congress was designed so that minorities can wield power well out of proportion to their number if they stick together.(国会就是这样设计的,如果少数派们联合起来,他们能够行使大于他们人数比例的权力。)
13、He who knows only how to wield a pen usually feels quite helpless in the face of practical problems.(光会耍笔杆的人,碰到实际问题往往束手无策。)
14、And because older voters turn out more reliably than the young, they could wield crushing power.(也正因为老年选民相对年轻人投票更为稳定,所以产生的的影响力不容小觑。)
15、Finally we insisted that they actively wield their power.(最后我们认为,他们都必须是在积极的使用他们的权力的人。)
16、Giant supermarket chains wield great power: it is legitimate to demand that power is wielded fairly.(巨型连锁超市发挥着巨大的影响力:要求这种影响力被公平的行驶是合理的。)
17、American firms are offering staff carrots to stay fit. Soon they will wield sticks.(美国企业为员工提供胡萝卜以保持健康,不久企业还会对员工挥棒舞剑。)
18、He wants it to wield investigative powers and the right to make titles pay compensation and run corrections prominently.(他希望该机构能行驶调查的权力和标题补助的权利,并明显改进。)
19、This game will fit inside a single item, a totem, that the player's avatar can carry in their inventory, or wield.(该游戏将装配在一个物品,图腾中,玩家的化身可以放在储备中携带,或者进行使用。)
20、True power is what Obama has learned wield: the power to inspire, lead, and engender belief.(奥巴马已经学会使用才是真正的权力:那是一种激动人心、引领潮流、给人信念的权力。)
21、The RTA, Mr Holland's audit concluded, needs to wield a firmer hand, over budgets and in general.(霍兰德的审计报告中总结说,芝加哥的区域交通署在预算和综合领域的手段需要更强硬些。)
22、the men who wield the power are certainly backing him to the hilt.(那些掌权者当然都在全力支持他。)
23、Last, they thought about how actively the candidates wield their power.(最后,他们还考量候选人如何积极活跃地行使其权势。)
24、We often don’t give ourselves enough credit for the power we wield.(我们常常不够确信自己所拥有的力量。)
25、Some outsiders, particularly America and China, wield influence in Khartoum.(于是,部分旁观者,特别是美国和中国,在喀土穆有所动作。)
26、They wield great power-a downgrade can tip a company into bankruptcy-but lack accountability.(它们手握大权——一次等级下调就可以使一个公司破产,但却不负相应的责任。)
27、Other bidders made little secret of their intention to wield the axe.(而其它竞标者挥动大斧裁员的意图昭然若揭。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。