

2022-05-03 来源:爱站旅游

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、Why did you bring all that paraphernalia? We shall only be away for two days.(为什么你把那些不必要的东西都带来呢?我们只离开两天呀!)

2、They would wear Giants caps and drink from Giantsglasses in the midst of Giants paraphernalia.(父子俩会头戴巨人队帽子,在巨人队的装饰物下,喝着巨人队杯子装的饮料。)

3、I know. He has all the music paraphernalia you can buy.(我知道。你能买到的音乐相关产品,他全都有。)

4、Get rid of all the smoking paraphernalia in the house, your car and your purse.(把家里、车上、钱包里与香烟相关的物件都拿掉。)

5、Get rid of all cigarettes and ashtrays and other paraphernalia associated with smoking.(扔掉所有香烟、烟灰缸和与吸烟有关的其他物品。)

6、For all you femme fatales and tobacco aficionados out there, bamboo plays are role in smoking paraphernalia too.(对于所有的妖娆女人和烟瘾来说,竹子也是吸烟工具的一种。)

7、Keep all of your laundry paraphernalia together.(备齐所有洗衣用具。)

8、The car contained the paraphernalia of a growing number of suicides in Japan, although investigators were puzzled to find there were no keys in the ignition.(日本的自杀事件日趋增多,这辆车装着用于自杀的随身用具,但调查人员发现点火装置上并没有钥匙,这令他们迷惑不解。)

9、When Miller died in 2007, Bada inherited boxes full of his lab paraphernalia.(当Miller2007年去世后,Bada继承了他做实验的几箱子物品。)

10、Skip the art museum, and head to the halls filled with quirky and fun paraphernalia.(别去美术馆,去那些收纳有趣和古怪随身品的博物馆吧。)

11、He has all the music paraphernalia you can buy.(你能买到的音乐相关产品,他全都有。)

12、At least 150 disappointed people, each willing to drop about $500 or more for Wii paraphernalia at that store, walked away.(至少有150个失望的人,150个可能会在这家店消费500美元的人,走了。)

13、After breakfast I take my Painter's paraphernalia and go to Sketches.(早饭后我把画家的用具和草图。)

14、all my fishing paraphernalia is in the car.(我的鱼具都在汽车里。)

15、Give your users all the paraphernalia of modern Web sites so they can write their own code and mash-ups.(为您的用户提供所有现代Web站点具备的工具,使他们能够编写自己的代码并进行组合。)

16、An assortment of specialist scanners, probes and other paraphernalia are carefully laid out, ready for action.(各类专业扫描仪,探头和其他用具都已精心布置完毕,只等开始。)

17、Get rid of all the smoking paraphernalia in the house, your car and your purse. Make it more and more inconvenient to smoke.(把家里、车上、钱包里与香烟相关的物件都拿掉。做到吸烟越来越麻烦才行。)

18、"Now" actually means over the many months, or perhaps a year, it would take to remove all its forces, contractors and their paraphernalia.(“现在”指的是几个月之后,或许是一年,是美军撤回所有兵力、短期情报人员和军需品。)

19、Moreover, the spaghetti of wires, the chargers and the other paraphernalia of digital life are hardly unobtrusive.(此外,盘根错节的数据线、各类充电器和数字生活中的其他随身设备俯拾皆是。)

20、On each deck is a wooden shed and all the paraphernalia of oyster cultivation: tongs and rakes, mesh-bags of oyster spat, wire trays.(每一块甲板都是木制的,所有的用具都是用来养殖牡蛎的:钳子,耙,一袋袋的牡蛎卵,镍网托盘。)

21、Keep all of your laundry paraphernalia together. Detergents, stain removers, softeners, hangers and other accessories should all be within reach.(备齐所有洗衣用具。包括洗涤液,去污剂,软化剂,衣架以及其他配套设施。)

22、Can you move all your paraphernalia out of the way?(你可以把所有的随身物品移开吗?)

23、The books have also inspired countless Potter paraphernalia, including candy, cakes, capes and toys.(这套书还创造了无数的哈利·波特随身用品,其中包括糖果、蛋糕、魔法斗篷和玩具等。)

24、That includes all smoking paraphernalia — leftover cigarettes, matches, lighters, ashtrays, cigarette holders, even the lighter in your car.(包括所有的吸烟用具,剩下的香烟,火柴,打火机,烟灰缸,有烟的人,甚至在你车上的打火机。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


