

2022-05-03 来源:爱站旅游

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、It is possible to let all historical rates be stored in one period and actuality.(也可以将所有历史汇率存储到一个期间和现状中。)

2、Our biggest competition as a company is in actuality piracy.(我们最大对手其实是盗版。)

3、In actuality, many of the Google Books results were relevant and useful.(实际上,多数GoogleBooks的结果也是相关的而且有用。)

4、You can select several periods to copy for, but only one actuality at the time.(可以选择复制几个期间,但一次只能选择一个现状。)

5、They talk about detente, but in actuality they are engaged in intense rivalry.(他们嘴里讲缓和,骨子里却进行激烈的争夺。)

6、They may look really complicated, but in actuality are quite simple plug and play devices.(因为他们看起来总是那么复杂,但事实上就是简单的即插即用。)

7、In actuality, Buffett's annual letter to shareholders is famously down-to-earth, conversational, and witty.(实际上,巴菲特给股东们的年度致信是以踏实,口语化和诙谐幽默著称。)

8、In actuality, color is simply an indication of the breed of hen.(事实上,鸡蛋颜色的区别仅仅表明母鸡的品种不同。)

9、In actuality, there's no such thing as "renewable energy" : all energy, even the sun, is limited.(实际上,根本就没有“可再生能源”这回事:所有的能源,甚至太阳,都是有限的、不可再生的。)

10、That's an actuality that the Republicans like to ignore.(这正是共和党想要去轻轻略去的现实。)

11、In the copy Selections area, enter the actuality and period to copy historical rates for.(在CopySelections区域中,输入将复制历史汇率的现状和期间。)

12、The historical values are entered for each new period and actuality that will be used.(针对每个新期间和将用到的现状输入历史价值。)

13、So big difference between actuality and possibility.(实际性和可能性有很大不同。)

14、So why anything whatsoever exists, whether as actuality or potential, is unknown.(因此为什么一切可以存在,以物质还是虚拟形式存在,都是未知的。)

15、It exists in dreams rather than actuality.(它于梦想而非实际中存在。)

16、The currency register you entered and stored the currency rates for a given period and actuality.(货币登记器意味着您针对一个给定期间和现状(actuality)输入并存储汇率。)

17、We see our dream and the actuality.(我们看见了我们的梦想及它的现实。)

18、In all actuality, you don't have to be a theater hall, concert hall or anything.(事实上,这种行为不必非要发生在剧院礼堂、音乐大厅或别的什么特定地方。)

19、While thread-safety is a term we typically use to describe code, in actuality it is about data.(尽管我们常用线程安全描述代码,但实际上它是描述数据的。)

20、In actuality, time is far more important than money.(事实上,时间比金钱重要得多。)

21、In the copy to area, enter the actuality and period to copy historical rates to.(在CopyTo区域中,输入将向其复制历史汇率的期间和现状。)

22、The building looked as impressive in actuality as it did in photographs.(这栋大楼外观雄伟,与照片中所见一模一样。)

23、actuality and the total percentage you want to allocate (you can allocate less than 100%).(actuality和您想划拨的百分比(您可以划拨不到100%)。)

24、In the copy from area, enter the actuality and period to copy historical rates from.(在CopyFrom区域中,输入要从中复制历史汇率的期间和现状。)

25、Nevertheless, Gerteis argues, these disparate party affiliations did not diminish the actuality of reformer unity, most prominent in the 1830s.(然而,格泰斯认为,这些不同的政党联盟并没有削弱改革者团结的现状,尤其是在19世纪30年代。)

26、In actuality, America was settled long before the first European set foot on the continent.(事实上,在第一个欧洲人的足迹踏上这片大陆之前美洲就已经存在了。)

27、You can select several periods but only one actuality at the time.(可以选择几个期间,但一次只能选择一个现状。)

28、and in actuality, it's the substrate of the skull, the architecture of the skull that guides us.(而实际上,头骨的基板(头骨结构)指引着我们回答这个问题。)

29、In actuality, Ted did not have a disorder but merely a difficult temperament.(事实上,特德并没有什么异常而只是脾气不好。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


