
give birth造句

2022-05-03 来源:爱站旅游

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”

下面为您提供关于【give birth造句】内容,供您参考。

1、The lizards most likely to have social groups give birth to young rather than lay eggs.(大多数的夜蜥科蜥蜴喜欢把自己的后代放置于一定的社会团体里而不会生下蛋后就不见踪影。)

2、give birth to your money.(让钱生钱。)

3、Pregnant women are able to exert a degree of control over when they give birth, according to a study.(根据一项研究表明,孕妇可以在某种程度上控制其哪一天生小孩。)

4、This, in turn, can also give birth to many other wealth-generating projects.(这最终也会带来很多其它生财项目。)

5、You can speak up and give birth to your idea too.(你也可以站起来,让你的想法出生。)

6、Some couples are willing to give birth to a second child.(有些夫妇愿意生二胎。)

7、Most parents give birth to their own children.(大多数父母生育他们自己的孩子。)

8、The medical team told us that my wife would give birth naturally, " said Marwan, the woman's husband.(而且医疗小组告诉我们我的妻子可以自然生产。”这位妇女的丈夫马尔万说。)

9、I know that I can love, raise a family and give birth to a healthy baby.(我知道我可以去爱,养家糊口并生出一名健康的婴儿。)

10、Almost 800,000 women a year give birth in the UK.(在英国每年有几乎800000女性要生孩子。)

11、But these doctors are quietly confident that Derya will give birth to a healthy baby.(但这些医生们对德亚能生出一个健康宝宝颇有信心。)

12、about 16 million girls aged 15 to 19 give birth every year.(每年约有1600万15到19岁女孩生育。)

13、Zhou has helped as many as 600 mothers give birth in the U.S. in the past five years.(在过去五年中,周帮助了600个母亲在美国生孩子。)

14、Where women give birth is a contentious issue across the rich world?(在富裕国家,妇女应该在哪里分娩一直存在着争议?)

15、Oxytocin is also released in women when they give birth and when they breast feed their babies.(女人在生产和哺乳时同样也分泌催产素。)

16、There are countries in Africa where people live close to health facilities but they give birth at home.(在非洲一些国家,人们住在离卫生机构很近的地方,但却在家里生孩子。)

17、When our mother gave birth to us, she never expected that we will give birth to her.(我们的妈妈给予我们生命,决没有期望我们也给予她生命。)

18、The actual result of your action give birth to confidence.(你行动的实际结果会产生出信心。)

19、The Chillinghams can give birth all year, not just spring and summer like most U. K. mammals.(奇灵厄姆牛在一年中都可以生育,而不像其他英国的哺乳动物那样只在春季和夏季繁育。)

20、Ms Rojas, who did give birth in captivity, has called the charge "lies and spite".(罗哈斯女士确实在绑架期间生了一个孩子,她称这项指控是“谎言和恶意的攻击”。)

21、Even more bizarre, a woman conceived from a split embryo could give birth to her own twin.(更奇怪的是,一个从分裂胚胎中受孕的妇女可以生下自己的双胞胎。)

22、All this has helped give birth to a number of location-based start-ups.(所有这些条件都促使许多从定位服务启动的网站的产生。)

23、She stood a moment and regarded him, waiting for him to give birth to the reason.(她在那里站着打量了艾里克一会儿,等着他说出原因。)

24、Y: Don, you sure are lucky don’t have to give birth.(唐,你很幸运不用生孩子。)

25、Most Chinese women now give birth in hospital, but the poorest rural region is still lagging behind.(大多数中国产妇都能接受到住院分娩服务,然而最贫困的农村地区仍然滞后。)

26、So, over the fierce objections of his mentor Hofmann, he left college to give birth to the modern chemical industry.(于是,不顾他的导师霍夫曼的强烈反对,他离开了大学,创立了现代化学工业。)

27、A sand tiger shark off the Bonin Islands will soon give birth.(小笠原群岛外,一只虎头鲨即将产仔。)

28、Savage, 40, is due to give birth to a boy within the next two weeks via cesarean section.(萨维奇,40岁,将会在两周内通过剖腹产分娩生下一个男孩。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


