

2022-05-03 来源:爱站旅游

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、This provides a more intuitive and responsive user interface.(这就使得用户界面更加直观、响应性更好。)

2、After a commission examined and revamped communications procedures, the statewide response "has become far more professional and responsive," he says.(在一个委员会审查并修改了通讯程序后,全州范围内的响应“变得远比之前更加专业和迅速”,他说。)

3、Not connecting to a responsive TCP port(没有连接到有响应的TCP端口)

4、However, is this a technique that is responsive to change?(然而,这真的是一种可以及时响应变化的技术吗?)

5、Turkey so far has proved the most responsive.(迄今为止,土耳其反应最为激烈。)

6、This poem has struck a responsive chord in the hearts of its readers.(这首诗引起了读者的共鸣。)

7、Harriet was an easy, responsive little girl.(哈丽特是个随和、敏感的小姑娘。)

8、women are uniquely positioned to be responsive to some of these concerns.(女性处于独特的地位,能够对其中一些问题作出回应。)

9、To test how responsive dolphins are to various signals.(测试海豚对各种信号的反应。)

10、Robots are sensitive and responsive.(机器人感应灵敏,反应迅速。)

11、During sleep the automatic metabolic system is less responsive to carbon dioxide levels and oxygen levels in the blood.(在睡眠期间,自动的新陈代谢系统对血液中二氧化碳和氧气的含量反应并不灵敏。)

12、It felt so fast and responsive.(它真是又有反应又快。)

13、Firms have to be responsive to consumer demand.(公司必须对顾客的需求作出积极反应。)

14、Tools to deal with non responsive applications.(处理未响应应用的工具。)

15、In accordance with the stress-triggering hypothesis, faults are unpredictably responsive to subtle stresses they obtain as neighboring faults shift.(根据应力触发假说,断层不可预测地对邻近断层移动时所获得的微妙应力作出反应。)

16、Retailers who're responsive and friendly are more likely to smooth over issues than those who aren't so friendly.(反应迅速、态度友好的零售商比那些不那么友好的零售商更有可能解决问题。)

17、To be sure, there is a process more immediately responsive to the people's will might have ousted Lincoln and Washington in their unpopular moments.(诚然,这一进程能更迅速地响应人民的意愿,就可能在林肯和华盛顿不得人心的时刻将他们赶下台。)

18、Be responsive to others' problems.(对其他人的问题积极响应。)

19、I resolve to be responsive to customers.(我决心积极回应客户。)

20、Today a company's ability to be responsive to the concerns of the community and the environment can influence that company's growth and survival.(今天,一个公司对社会和环境关注作出反应的能力可以影响公司的成长和生存。)

21、It is vitally important that the patch developer is responsive during this period.(补丁开发人员在此期间反应灵敏是至关重要的。)

22、This makes your UI very responsive.(这使UI的响应性变得很好。)

23、With an election coming soon, your representative should be very responsive to your request.(大选在即,你们的代表应该对你们的要求作出迅速积极的反应。)

24、Listing 1. Pinging a responsive host.(清单1.ping一个有响应的主机。)

25、According to the stress-triggering hypothesis, faults are unexpectedly responsive to subtle stresses they acquire as neighboring faults shift.(根据应力触发假说,当相邻断层移动时,断层会意外地对它们获得的细微应力作出反应。)

26、Hong Kong diners are extremely responsive to new ideas or presentations, which is good news for new dishes.(香港食客对新创意或新菜品的介绍反应非常积极,这对新菜式来说是个好消息。)

27、The club is responsive to new ideas.(俱乐部对新的想法都表示欢迎。)

28、She's fairly responsive to new ideas.(她很愿意接受新观念。)

29、As we age, these stem cells tend to become less responsive.(随着年龄增长,这些干细胞往往变得不那么活力。)

30、He is devising blueprints for responsive houses.(马格·诺里正为“有反应的房子”设计蓝图。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


