hire的详尽释义是:v.(动词)雇,雇用,录用,雇佣,聘请,招聘,聘,雇请租,租用,租借出租(常与out连用),赁借找临时雇用为(某人)工作,受聘(于) ,受雇于为…付工钱,付租金。hire的例句是用作动词(v.)We don't want to hire inexperienced worker.我们不想聘用没有经验的工人。hire的词语用法是v.(动词)hire的基本意思是以一定价钱使用或暂时拥有某物,多指因某一具体工作或目的而雇用某人或某物,这种雇用多是短期的、临时的,在英国主要用于租汽车、船只等。
v.(动词)- 雇,雇用,录用,雇佣,聘请,招聘,聘,雇请
- 租,租用,租借
- 出租(常与out连用),赁借
- 找
- 临时雇用
- 为(某人)工作,受聘(于) ,受雇于
- 为…付工钱,付租金
n.(名词)- 租金
- 租用,租借,租赁
- 工钱,酬金,报酬
- 雇用,雇佣
Noun:- a newly hired employee;
"the new hires need special training"
- the act of hiring something or someone;
"he signed up for a week's car hire"
Verb:- engage or hire for work;
"They hired two new secretaries in the department"
"How many people has she employed?"
- hold under a lease or rental agreement; of goods and services
- engage for service under a term of contract;
"We took an apartment on a quiet street"
"Let's rent a car"
"Shall we take a guide in Rome?"
1. 雇佣:土地拥有者雇佣(hire)人们来为自己耕种. 在百年战争期间,许多好战的贵族都在法国征战. 战争结束后,他们带着大批的雇佣军(mercenary soldiers)回到了英格兰,并且想在国内获得财富和权力. 1455年,
2. 租:从前有一对夫妻,他们的日子过得非常清贫. 由于房子和土地都是从地主那里租(hire)来的,所以他们每年要给地主交纳许多租税.
We don't want to hire inexperienced worker.
We hired an advertising company for help to sell our product.
Lawyers are men who hire out their words and anger.
They hire out boats by the hour.
He paid the carriage hire to the driver.
The price includes the hire of the hall.
He signed up for a week's car hire.
用作动词 (v.)
~+名词~+副词~+介词用作名词 (n.)
Regent's Park..with its rowing boats for hire.
出自:D. WigoderAvis..has hire prices from about s15 per day.
出自:Sunday ExpressWith his revenues he could hire Swiss infantry.
出自:W. S. ChurchillRemind me to hire you if I need a lawyer.
出自:N. Mailer
v.(动词)- hire, hire out
- 这两个词(组)都可表示“租用某物”。其区别是:
- hire表示短期租用别人的东西; 当物主出租东西时用hire out。例如:
- Let's hire a car for the weekend.
- 让我们租一辆汽车周末用。
- He hired out his car to his neighbours while he was away.
- 他外出期间把汽车出租给邻居。
- hire, let, rent
- 这组词的共同意思是“租”“租用”“雇用”。其区别是:
- 1.就租进、租出来说, let是租出, rent和hire则既可以是租进,也可以是租出。例如:
- Will you rent me your boat for the weekend?小船租给我度周末好吗?
- The house lets for 80 yuan a month.这房子出租,租金一个月80元。
- 2.就租期长短来说, hire强调临时性, let强调长期性,而rent既可以是长期的,也可以是临时的。例如:
- During the holidays we hired a boat and went fishing.假期我们租了一条船去钓鱼。
- We're hoping to let this field.我们希望把这块地租出去。
- She rents out rooms to students.她把房间出租给学生。
- 3.就宾语来说, hire多用于对人的雇用, let和rent则着重于租物。例如:
- The store hired two clerks for the sale.这家商店为了这次廉价销售雇了两名店员。
- The farmers near cities are working part of their land themselves and are letting the rest.城区附近的农民自己耕种一部分土地,出租其余的部分。
- He rented a colour TV soon after moving in.搬进后不久他就租了一台彩色电视机。
- 4.hire在表示租某物时,在英国,一般指租汽车、船只等; let指出租房屋、地产; rent在英式英语中指较长时间租入或租出房屋、商店或土地,在美式英语中可指长时间或短时间租用各类资本或日用品,这一意义现已影响到英国。例如:
- Why don't you hire out your car to your neighbours while you're away, and earn some money?你不在家时为何不将你的汽车租给你的邻居,挣点钱呢?
- I asked her if she had any room to let.我问她有没有房间出租。
- I'm thinking of renting out my house while I'm away.我正在考虑在我离家期间把房子租出去。
- 5.hire有时可表示“受雇”,而let和rent无此义。
- hire, charter, lease
- 这组词的共同意思是“出租某物”。其区别是:
- hire指短期租用某物,在英国,一般指出租汽车、船只等; charter指为某一特殊目的而租或包用大型交通工具; lease指立约出租房屋、土地或其他不动产。例如:
- He hired a taxi for several hours.他租用了几个小时的出租车。
- Our school chartered three buses for the trip.我们学校为了这次旅游包租了3辆公共汽车。
- He leased his house for the summer.夏天他把房子租给别人使用。
- hire, engage
- engage和hire都可表示“雇用”。其区别在于:
- 1.engage的宾语只能是人,而hire的宾语可以是物。例如:
- We hire out vans by the day.我们的货车按日出租。
- I've engaged him as my new assistant.我已聘他为我的新助手。
- 2.engage的对象一般有一技之长,而hire的对象则可以是“力工”等。例如:
- He hires out as a house painter in the summer.他在夏天受雇当房屋油漆工。
- He engaged a lawyer to argue his case in court.他请了一位律师来为他出庭辩护。
- 3.engage所指的雇用时限一般较长,而hire可指短期雇用。例如:
- He hired himself to work in the fields for one summer.他曾受雇在田里干一个夏天的活。
- He engaged a new secretary.他聘用了一名新秘书。
- hire, employ
- 这两个词都有“雇用”的意思。其区别是:
- 1.employ表示一般意义的“雇用”某人,被雇用人工作相对稳定,有固定薪水,还可能晋升职务等,多用于政府部门、工商企业、银行、公司、团体等各种机构,如果用于私人雇用时,即讲好工作待遇,就可开始工作; hire作“雇用”解时,是美式英语或非正式的英语用法,多指用低薪雇用临时工人或进行特殊工作的人。例如:
- One thousand hands are employed at this factory.这个工厂雇用1000名工人。
- They employ day-labourers during the busy season.他们忙时要雇短工。
- We hired a driver to take us on a tour of the city.我们雇了一个司机带我们浏览这个城市。
- 2.employ的宾语是人, hire的宾语可以是人,也可以是物。 例如:
- The new road will employ thousands of men.修这条新路要用成千上万的人。
- The store hired two more clerks for the sale.这家商店为了这次廉价销售又雇了两名店员。
- During the holiday we hired a boat and went fishing.假期我们租了一条船去钓鱼。
n.(名词)- for hire, on hire
- 这两个短语都可表示“供租用的”,一般情况下可互换,如:The boat is for〔on〕 hire.这小船是供出租的。其细微区别在于:for强调“供…”, on强调“处于租赁状态中”,所以与动词have, get, let等连用时一般用on。例如:
- You can get skates on hire here.你可在此处租到溜冰鞋。
hirsute、HIR、hired、hirer、Hiret、hiree、Hirezi、hire in、Hirengen、Hirendra、hireling、Hirezaki