简 介
Refrigeration ValveBrief introduction
常州埃姆基冷冻设备有限公司引进国际先进的技术和设备专业⽣产 AMG 系列钢制阀门,其完美的设计、优异 的性能、精良的制造,获“中国国际专利与名牌博览会⾦奖” 、 “美国国际品质认证委员会⾼品质产品推荐证书” 。 AMG 系列钢制阀门外形漂亮美观、结构先进独特、操作轻便灵活、密封性能优异、⽆泄漏、可靠性⾼、使⽤ 寿命长。⼴泛应⽤于制冷、冷冻、空调⾏业及⾷品、饮料、啤酒、制药、船舶、燃⽓、化⼯、⽯油等⾏业中的冷 藏冷冻系统。 ⾼性能的制冷系统需要⾼品质的部件来保证,使⽤ A MG 系列钢制阀门品⾼价廉,能完全代替昂贵进⼝阀门, 并为您的产品争辉。
Changzhou AMG Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd. has introduced the world’s advanced technology and equipment forspecialized manufacture of steel valves in AMG series. Because of their perfect design, excellent performance and high-quality manufacture, they were awarded “Golden Prize of China International Patent & Brand Exposition” and “Certificate ofRecommendation for High-quality Products of the US Council of International Quality Authentication”. Steel valves in AMGseries are featured by good-looking and artistic appearance, advanced and unique structure, light and flexible operation,excellent sealing performance, zero leakage, high reliability and long service life. They are widely used in refrigerated-storage and freezing systems in the industries of cooling, refrigeration and air-conditioning as well as the industries of food,beverage, bear, pharmaceutical, ship-building, gas, chemical, petroleum, etc. A high-performance refrigeration system isdependable on high quality components. The application of AMG series steel valves with high quality and reasonable pricewill offer you a complete alternative for expensive imported valves while adding luster to your products.产品特点 Product features
最佳的产品设计。采⽤ C A D 辅助设计。 适⽤于所有的通⽤制冷剂以及⾮腐蚀性⽓体和液 体。包括氨、氟、以及丙烷、丙烯等。 完美的密封性能。在运动件阀杆上采⽤⾼精度双 “O ”形密封圈及四氟填料⽆泄漏。所有密封垫均 采⽤⽆⽯棉环保垫⽚,既耐氟⼜耐氨。 倒密封设计,可以⽅便地在系统⼯作状态下对阀 门进⾏维护。双锥型⾯密封设计,保证流通能⼒ ⼤、压降⼩、功效⾼。 采⽤特殊的阀杆和阀瓣联接结构,阀瓣同⼼度⾃ 动调节,保证阀门关闭时的密封性以及减少阀瓣 摩擦使⽤寿命长。
Optimal product design. Adoption of computer-aided design (CAD). Applicable to all general-purpose refrigerants and non-corrosive gases and liquids, including ammonia, fluorine, propane and propylene. Perfect sealing performance. The movingpart valve stem is provided with high-precision double O-ring and PTFE packing to ensure zero leakage. All sealing gasketsare environment-friendly asbestos-free ones that are resistant to both fluorine and ammonia. The back seal design enablesconvenient valve maintenance during system operation. The double-cone seal design ensures large flow capacity, smallpressure drop and high efficiency. A special linkage structure between valve stem and valve clack is adopted so that theconcentricity of valve clack is adjusted automatically to ensure valve closing tightness and minimize valve clack friction forprolonging service life. Compact structure, small size and light weight. Reducing freight cost, shortening installation time andlowing labor intensity. Best protection against rusting and corrosion. Special rust-proof materials are used on the surface.The internal and external surfaces are treated with special formula and process to ensure cleanness and rust-free. Thestainless steel valve stem is polished by a special technique. Possibility of direct welding to steel pipe or brazing to copperpipe. Customer options are offered for either hand-wheel or sealed cap. Each valve is inspected strictly according toEuropean standards.1
结构紧凑、体积⼩、重量轻。降低运输费⽤、减少 安装时间和降低劳动强度。 最佳的防锈、防腐保护。表⾯使⽤特殊的防锈材 料,内外表⾯⽤特殊配⽅和⼯艺处理,保证清洁 不⽣锈,不锈钢阀杆采⽤特殊的抛光技术。 可直接与钢管焊接或铜管钎焊,并提供⼿轮或密 封帽供客户选择。 每个阀门均按欧洲标准进⾏严格的检测。
Refrigeration Valve
Product research and development2
Refrigeration Valve
DN15-80 截⽌阀、调节截⽌阀
DN15-80 Stop valve, stop and control valve
RVY15-80-D 焊接式直通截⽌阀 RVY15-80-D Welding straight-through stop valve技术参数 Technical parameters公称压⼒:2 . 5 M P a
Nominal pressure: 2.5MPa适⽤温度:- 5 0 ℃~ + 1 5 0 ℃
Applicable temperature: -50℃ ~ +150℃
试验压⼒:4 . 0 M P aTest pressure: 4.0MPa
Applicable medium: ammonia, fluorine, propane, propylene, etc.
RRY15-80-D 焊接式直通调节截⽌阀 RRY15-80-D Welding straight-through stop and control valve名称 Name
型号 Type RVY15-D RVY20-D RVY25-D RVY32-D RVY50-D RVY65-D RVY80-D RRY15-D RRY20-D
尺⼨(mm) Size(mm) φD 20 25 32 38 46 57 76 89 20 25 32 38 46 57 76 89 φ D1 15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 15 20 25 32 40 5065 80 L 105 110 128 128 165 165 230 230 105 110 128 128 165 165 230 230 φ D0 65 65 75 75 95 95 145 145 65 65 75 7595 95 145 145 H1 130 135 165 165 195 205 340 350 130 135 165 165 195 205 340 350 H 145 150 180 180 230 235 390400 145 150 180 180 230 235 390 400重量 (Kg) Weight
1.3 1.4 2.2 2.4 4.2 4.8 12.2 13 1.3 1.4 2.2 2.4 4.4 4.8 12.8 13.5直通 截⽌阀3
Straight-through RVY40-D stop valveStraightthrough stop and control valve
直通 RRY25-D 调节 截 ⽌ 阀 RRY32-D RRY40-D RRY50-D RRY65-D RRY80-D
Refrigeration Valve
DN15-350 截⽌阀、调节截⽌阀
DN15-350 Stop valve, stop and control valve
RVY100-350-D 焊接式直通截⽌阀 技术参数 Technical parameters RRY100-150-D 焊接式直通调节截⽌阀 公称压⼒:2 . 5 MP a 适⽤温度:-50℃ ~ +150℃ Nominal pressure: 2.5MPa Applicable temperature: -50℃ ~ +150℃ RVY15-350-D Weldingstraight-through stop valve 试验压⼒:4 . 0 M P a 适⽤介质:氨、氟、丙烷、丙烯等。 RRY100-150-D Welding straight-through stop and control valve Test pressure: 4.0MPa Applicable medium: ammonia, fluorine, propane,propylene, etc.
名称 Name 直通 截⽌阀
RVY15-350-F 法兰式直通截⽌阀 RRY15-150-F 法兰式直通调节截⽌阀 RVY15-350-F Flange straight-through stop valveRRY15-150-F Flange straight-through stop and control valveStraightthrough stop valve直通 调节截 ⽌阀
型号 Type RVY100-D RVY125-D RVY150-D RVY200-D RVY250-D RVY300-D RVY350-D RRY100-D RRY125-DRRY150-D
重量 尺⼨(mm) Size(mm) (Kg) φD φD1 φD0 L H H1 Weight 108 99 390 217 465 435 24 133 123 505 243 570 525 32.8 159149 585 293 650 600 48 219 205 755 360 850 785 100 273 255 905 410 940 880 145 325 305 955 460 1130 1045 288 377355 1055 508 1260 1165 390 108 99 390 217 465 435 25 133 123 505 243 570 525 34 159 149 585 293 650 600 50名称 Name 直通 截⽌阀Straightthrough stop valve直通 调节截 ⽌阀
Straightthrough stop and control valve
型号 φD Type RVY15-F 19 RVY20-F 26 RVY25-F 33 RVY32-F 39 RVY40-F 46 RVY50-F 58 RVY65-F 78 RVY80-F 91RRY15-F 19 RRY20-F 26 RRY25-F 33 RRY32-F 39 RRY40-F 46 RRY50-F 58 RRY65-F 78 RRY80-F 91L1 139 143 162 166 205 209 279 283 139 143 162 166 205 209 279 283
尺⼨(mm) Size(mm) L0 LxL φD0 H1 167 60x60 65 157 171 65x65 65 164 194 76x76 75 196 198 88x88 75 207 241 98x9895 246 245 110x110 95 258 323 135x135 145 385 327 150x150 145 399 167 60x60 65 157 171 65x65 65 164 194 76x7675 196 198 88x88 75 207 241 98x98 95 246 245 110x110 95 258 323 135x135 145 385 327 150x150 145 399H 171 178 212 233 277 289 440 454 171 178 212 233 277 289 440 454Weight重量 (Kg)4
名称 Name 直通 截⽌阀Straightthrough stop valve
2.5 2.9 4.5 5.8 8.2 10.1 19.8 23.1 2.5 2.9 4.5 5.8 8.2 10.1 19.8 23.1直通 调节截 ⽌阀
型号 尺⼨(mm) Size(mm) φD L0 φD1 φD0 H1 Type L1 H RVY100-F 110 460 512 235 217 550 573 RVY125-F 135 557 613270 243 658 695 RVY150-F 161 619 679 300 293 752 794 RVY200-F 221 827 891 360 360 994 1054 RVY250-F 276 9551019 425 410 1051 1118 RVY300-F 328 981 1057 455 450 1286 1372 RVY350-F 381 1039 1123 485 490 1440 1538RRY100-F 110 460 512 235 217 550 573 RRY125-F 135 557 613 270 243 658 695 RRY150-F 161 619 679 300 293 752794
重量 (Kg)
50.4 67.9 97.7 167 232 401 549 50.4 67.9 97.7
Refrigeration Valve
DN15-80 截⽌阀、调节截⽌阀
DN15-80 Stop valve, stop and control valve
RVT15-80-D 焊接式直⾓截⽌阀 RVT15-80-D Welding right-angle stop valve技术参数 Technical parameters公称压⼒:2 . 5 M P a
Nominal pressure: 2.5MPa适⽤温度:-50℃ ~ +150℃
Applicable temperature: -50℃ ~ +150℃试验压⼒:4 . 0 M P aTest pressure: 4.0MPa
Applicable medium: ammonia, fluorine, propane, propylene, etc.
RRT15-80-D 焊接式直⾓调节截⽌阀 RRT15-80-D Welding right-angle stop and control valve名称 Name
型号 Type RVT15-D
尺⼨(mm) φD 20 25 32 38 46 57 76 89 20 25 32 38 46 57 76 89 φ D1 15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 L 4040 51 51 60 64 90 90 40 40 51 51 60 64 90 90
Size(mm) φ D0 65 65 75 75 95 95 145 145 65 65 75 75 95 95 145 145 H 176 176 210 210 278 278 445 445 176 176 210210 278 278 445 445 H1 156 156 185 185 234 234 370 370 156 156 185 185 234 234 370 370重量 (Kg) Weight
1.3 1.3 2 2 3.4 4 10 10.5 1.3 1.3 2 2 3.6 4 10.5 11直⾓ 截⽌阀
RVT20-D RVT25-D RVT32-D RVT40-D RVT50-D RVT65-D RVT80-D RRT15-D RRT20-D5
Right-angle stop valve直⾓ 调节 截 ⽌ 阀
Right-angle stop and control valve
Refrigeration Valve
DN15-350 截⽌阀、调节截⽌阀
DN15-350 Stop valve, stop and control valve
RVT100-350-D 焊接式直⾓截⽌阀 RRT100-150-D 焊接式直⾓调节截⽌阀 RVT100-350-D Welding right-angle stop valveRRT100-150-D Welding right-angle stop and control valve技术参数 Technical parameters公称压⼒:2 . 5 M P a
Nominal pressure: 2.5MPa适⽤温度:-50℃ ~ +150℃
Applicable temperature:-50℃ ~ +150℃试验压⼒:4 . 0 M P aTest pressure: 4.0MPa
Applicable medium: ammonia, fluorine, propane, propylene, etc.名称 Name
型号 Type RVT100-D RVT125-D
尺⼨(mm) Size(mm) φD 108 133 159 219 273 325 377 108 133 159 φD1 99 123 149 205 255 305 355 99 123 149 L 138 166200 220 260 360 360 138 166 200 φD0 217 243 293 360 410 450 490 217 243 293 H 415 515 565 750 785 1000 1095 415515 565 H1 380 460 510 660 700 885 956 380 460 510重量 (Kg) Weight
20.5 28.5 43.5 84 120 225 280 22 30 45
直⾓ RVT150-D 截⽌阀 Right-angle RVT200-Dstop valve
RVT250-D RVT300-D RVT350-D RRT100-D
RVT15-350-F 法兰式直⾓截⽌阀 RRT15-150-F 法兰式直⾓调节截⽌阀 RVT15-350-F Flange right-angle stop valve RRT15-150-F Flange right-angle stop and control valve直⾓ 调 节 截 RRT125-D ⽌阀 RRT150-D
名称 Name 型号 Type RVT15-F RVT20-F 直⾓ RVT25-F 截⽌阀 Right-angle RVT32-Fstop valve
尺⼨(mm) Size(mm) φD 19 26 33 39 46 58 78 91 φD1 78 78 92 92 106 LxL 60x60 65x65 76x76 88x88 98x98 φD0 65 65 7575 95 95 H1 180 180 211 211 262 262 382 382 H 200 500 234 234 306 306 460 460重量 (Kg) Weight
2.3 2.7 4.2 5.4 7.4 9.1 17.8 20.8名称 Name
型号 Type RVT100-F RVT125-F
尺⼨(mm) Size(mm) φD 110 134 161 221 276 328 381 L 210 242 280 314 350 396 434 φD1 235 270 300 360 425 485 555φD0 217 243 293 360 410 450 490 H1 435 531 578 586 631 966 1060 H 468 584 638 671 728 1087 1199重量 (Kg) Weight
47 65 90 149 202 335 435
直⾓ RVT150-F 截⽌阀 Right-angle RVT200-Fstop valve106 110x110
RVT250-F RVT300-F RVT350-F154 135x135 145 154 150x150 145
Refrigeration ValveDN15-350 截⽌⽌回阀
DN15-350 Stop check valve
VCY15-80-D 焊接式直通截⽌⽌回阀 VCY15-80-D Welding straight-through stop check valve技术参数 Technical parameters公称压⼒:2 . 5 M P a
Nominal pressure: 2.5MPa适⽤温度:-50℃ ~ +150℃
Applicable temperature: -50℃ ~ +150℃试验压⼒:4 . 0 M P aTest pressure: 4.0MPa
Applicable medium: ammonia, fluorine, propane, propylene, etc.名称 Name
型号 Type VCY15-D
尺⼨(mm) Size(mm) φD 20 25 32 38 46 5 76 89 φD1 15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 L 105 110 128 128 165 165 230 230 φD0 6565 75 75 95 95 145 145 H1 150 155 185 190 225 230 345 350 H 165 170 205 210 250 260 385 390重量 (Kg) Weight
1.4 1.5 2.5 2.6 4.8 5.2 12.3 13.3
Straightt h r o u g h VCY40-D stop check VCY50-D valve直 通 VCY20-D 截 ⽌ ⽌ VCY25-D 回阀 VCY32-DVCY65-D VCY80-D
VCY100-350-D 焊接式直通截⽌⽌回阀 VCY100-350-D Welding straight-through stop check valve7
名称 Name 型号 Type RVY100-D 直 通 RVY125-D 截⽌⽌ 回 阀 RVY150-D Straight- RVY200-Dthrough stop check RVY250-D valve
尺⼨(mm) Size(mm) φD 108 133 159 219 273 325 377 φD1 99 123 149 205 255 305 355 L 390 505 585 755 905 955 1055φD0 217 243 293 360 410 450 490 H1 435 525 600 785 880 1045 1165 H 465 570 650 850 940 1130 1260重量 (Kg) Weight
24 32.8 48 100 145 288 390RVY300-D RVY350-D
Refrigeration ValveDN15-350 截⽌⽌回阀
DN15-350 Stop check valve
VCT15-80-D 焊接式直⾓截⽌⽌回阀 VCT15-80-D Welding right-angle stop check valve技术参数 Technical parameters公称压⼒:2 . 5 M P a
Nominal pressure: 2.5MPa适⽤温度:-50℃ ~ +150℃
Applicable temperature: -50℃ ~ +150℃试验压⼒:4 . 0 M P aTest pressure: 4.0MPa
Applicable medium: ammonia, fluorine, propane, propylene, etc.名称 Name
型号 Type VCT15-D
尺⼨(mm) Size(mm) φD 20 25 32 38 48 57 76 89 φD1 15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 L 40 40 51 51 60 64 95 95 φD0 65 65 75 7595 95 145 145 H 215 215 255 260 310 310 425 425 H1 190 190 225 230 270 270 375 375重量 (Kg) Weight
1.35 1.35 2.3 2.3 4 4.5 10 10.5
Right-angle stop check VCT40-D valve
直⾓ 截 ⽌ ⽌ VCT25-D 回阀 VCT32-D VCT50-D VCT65-D VCT80-DVCT20-D
VCT100-350-D 焊接式直⾓截⽌⽌回阀 VCT100-350-D Welding right-angle stop check valve8
名称 Name 型号 Type VCT100-D 直 ⾓ VCT125-D 截 ⽌ ⽌ VCT150-D 回阀 Right-angle VCT200-Dstop check VCT250-D valve
尺⼨(mm) Size(mm) φD 108 133 159 219 273 325 377 φD1 99 123 149 205 255 305 355 L 138 166 200 220 260 360 360φD0 217 243 293 360 410 460 508 H 426 533 580 772 820 1050 1150 H1 390 480 520 680 720 890 1000重量 (Kg) Weight
22 31 46 87 123 230 285VCT300-D VCT350-D
Refrigeration ValveDN15-150 ⽌回阀
DN15-150 check valve
RCY15-80-D 焊接式直通⽌回阀 RCY15-80-D Welding straight-through check valve技术参数 Technical parameters公称压⼒:2 . 5 M P a
Nominal pressure: 2.5MPa适⽤温度:-50℃ ~ +150℃
Applicable temperature: -50℃ ~ +150℃试验压⼒:4 . 0 M P aTest pressure: 4.0MPa
Applicable medium: ammonia, fluorine, propane, propylene, etc.名称 Name
型号 Type RCY15-D RCY20-D
尺⼨(mm) Size(mm) φD 20 25 32 38 48 57 76 89 φD1 15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 L 105 110 128 128 165 165 230 230 φD0 6565 75 75 95 95 145 145 H 90 93 105 110 140 150 225 235重量 (Kg)
Weight 1 1.15 1.75 1.85 3.75 4.25 10.5 11直通 ⽌回阀 Straightthrough c h e c k valve
RCT15-80-D 焊接式直⾓⽌回阀 RCT15-80-D Welding right-angle check valve9
名称 Name 型号 Type RCT15-D RCT20-D 直⾓ RCT25-D ⽌回阀 Right-angle RCT32-D check valve RCT40-D RCT50-DRCT65-D RCT80-D 尺⼨(mm) Size(mm) φD 20 25 32 38 48 57 76 89 φD1 15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 L 40 40 51 51 60 60 9595 φD0 65 65 75 75 95 95 145 145 H 100 100 120 120 150 150 205 215重量 (Kg)
Weight 1.35 1.35 2.3 2.3 4 4.5 10 10.5
Refrigeration ValveDN40-350 ⽌回阀
DN40-350 check valve
RCH80-350-F ⾼径法兰直通⽌回阀 RCH80-350-F Welding neck flange straight-through check valve技术参数 Technical parameters公称压⼒:2 . 5 M P a
Nominal pressure: 2.5MPa
适⽤温度:-50℃ ~ +150℃
Applicable temperature: -50℃ ~ +150℃试验压⼒:4 . 0 M P aTest pressure: 4.0MPa
Applicable medium: ammonia, fluorine, propane, propylene, etc.名称 Name型号 Type
尺⼨(mm) Size(mm) φA 80 100 124 152 203 257 305 357 φB 89 114 140 168 219 273 325 377 φC 200 230 270 300 360425 485 550 D 82 98 113 126 160 210 245 274 E 186 228 243 276 294 374 423 464⾼径法兰 RCH-80
RCH-100 直通 ⽌回阀 RCH-125 RCH-150
StraightRCH-200 through c h e c k RCH-250 valve RCH-300 RCH-350
RCH80-350-F 平法兰直通⽌回阀 RCH80-350-F Slip-on flange straight-through check valve10
名称 Name平法兰
型号 Type RCH-80
尺⼨(mm) Size(mm) φA 91 116 141.5 170.5 221.5 276.5 327.5 379.5 φB 200 230 270 300 360 425 485 550 C 82 98 113 126160 210 145 274 D 160 180 204 230 275 330 375 419
RCH-100 直通 RCH-125 ⽌回阀 RCH-150 Straightt h r o u g h RCH-200 c h e c k RCH-250 valve RCH-300 RCH-350Refrigeration Valve
DN4-10 截⽌阀、调节截⽌阀
DN4-10 Stop valve, stop and control valve
RVY4-10-D 焊接式直通截⽌阀 RRY4-10-D 焊接式直通调节截⽌阀 RVY4-10-D Welding straight-through stop valve RRY4-10-D Welding straight-through stop and control valve技术参数 Technical parameters公称压⼒:2 . 5 M P a
Nominal pressure: 2.5MPa适⽤温度:- 5 0 ℃~ + 1 5 0 ℃
Applicable temperature: -50℃ ~ +150℃试验压⼒:4 . 0 M P aTest pressure: 4.0MPa
Applicable medium: ammonia, fluorine, propane, propylene, etc.
RVT4-10-D 焊接式直⾓截⽌阀 RRT4-10-D 焊接式直⾓调节截⽌阀 RVT4-10-D Welding right-angle stop valve RRT4-10-DWelding right-angle stop and control valve
TH4-10 三通截⽌阀 TH4-10 Three-way stop valve11
Refrigeration ValveDN4-10 压⼒表阀
DN4-10 Pressure gauge valve
RVY4-10 直通压⼒表阀 RVY4-10 Straight-through pressure gauge valve技术参数 Technical parameters公称压⼒:2 . 5 M P a
Nominal pressure: 2.5MPa适⽤温度:- 5 0 ℃~ + 1 5 0 ℃
Applicable temperature: -50℃ ~ +150℃试验压⼒:4 . 0 M P aTest pressure: 4.0MPa
Applicable medium: ammonia, fluorine, propane, propylene, etc.RVT4-10 直⾓压⼒表阀 RVT4-10 Right-angle pressure gauge valve12
Refrigeration ValveDN4-10 截⽌阀DN4-10 Stop valve
RVT4-10 多种接⼝⼩规格截⽌阀 RVT4-10 Small size stop valves with various port connections技术参数 Technical parameters公称压⼒:2 . 5 M P a
Nominal pressure: 2.5MPa适⽤温度:- 5 0 ℃~ + 1 5 0 ℃
Applicable temperature: -50℃ ~ +150℃试验压⼒:4 . 0 M P aTest pressure: 4.0MPa
Applicable medium: ammonia, fluorine, propane, propylene, etc.13
AMG 编号 (NO.AMG) AMG001 AMG002 AMG003 AMG004 AMG005 AMG006 AMG007 AMG008 AMG009 AMG010AMG011 AMG012R(Horizontal interface)
R ( 横接⼝) 1/4“ 3/8“ 1/2“ 1/4“ 3/8“ 1/2“ 1/4“ 3/8“ 1/2“ 1/4“ 3/8“ 1/2“R ( 竖接⼝)
R(Vertical interface)备 注Remarks
AMG 编号 (NO.AMG) AMG013 AMG014 AMG015 AMG016 AMG017 AMG018 AMG019 AMG020 AMG021 AMG022AMG023 AMG024R(Horizontal interface)
R ( 横接⼝) 1/4“ 3/8“ 1/2“ 1/4“ 3/8“ 1/2“ 1/4“ 3/8“ 1/2“ 1/4“ 3/8“ 1/2“R ( 竖接⼝)
R(Vertical interface)备 注Remarks
1/4“ 3/8“ 1/2“ 1/4“ 3/8“ 1/2“ 1/4“ 3/8“ 1/2“ 1/4“ 3/8“ 1/2“ 螺纹为内螺纹( R c )Threads are female threads (RC)
1/4“ 3/8“ 1/2“ 1/4“ 3/8“ 1/2“ 1/4“ 3/8“ 1/2“ 1/4“ 3/8“ 1/2“ 螺纹为内螺纹( R c )Threads are female threads (RC)螺纹为 外螺纹
Threads are male threads螺纹为 外螺纹
Threads are male threads
横接⼝为内螺纹( R c ) 竖接⼝为外螺纹( R )
Horizontal port connection is female threaded(RC) Vertical port connection is male threaded(RC)横接⼝为内螺纹( R c ) 竖接⼝为外螺纹( R )
Horizontal port connection is female threaded(RC) Vertical port connection is male threaded(RC)横接⼝为外螺纹( R ) 竖接⼝为内螺纹( R c )
Horizontal port connection is male threaded(R) Vertical port connection is female threaded(RC)横接⼝为外螺纹( R ) 竖接⼝为内螺纹( R c )
Horizontal port connection is male threaded(R) Vertical port connection is female threaded(RC)
Refrigeration ValveDN15-250 过滤器
技术参数 Technical parameters公称压⼒:2 . 5 M P a
Nominal pressure: 2.5MPaDN15-250 Filter
TDZ15-250-Y 直通过滤器 TDZ15-250-T 直⾓过滤器 TDZ15-250-Y straight-through Filter TDZ15-250-T right-angle Filter适⽤温度:- 5 0 ℃~ + 1 5 0 ℃
Applicable temperature: -50℃ ~ +150℃试验压⼒:4 . 0 M P aTest pressure: 4.0MPa
Applicable medium: ammonia, fluorine, propane, propylene, etc.
FIA15-250-STR 直通过滤器 FIA15-250-ANG 直⾓过滤器 FIA15-250-STR straight-through Filter FIA15-250-ANG right-angleFilter
型号 Type TDZ15 TDZ20 TDZ25 TDZ32 TDZ40 TDZ50 TDZ65 TDZ80 TDZ100 TDZ125公称通径 Nominal diameter
mm 15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 100 125
inch 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1”1/4 1”1/2 2 2”1/2 3” 4” 5”
主要尺⼨(mm) Major dimensions(mm) D φA φB φC E 268 21 x 2.5 160 108 110 268 25 x 2.5 160 108 110 268 34 x 3 160108 110 358 140 42 x 3.5 185 133 358 140 48 x 3.5 185 133 358 140 60 x 4 185 133 358 140 76 x 4 185 133 525 225 89 x 4260 194 525 225 108 x 4.5 260 194 525 225 133 x 5 260 19414
Refrigeration Valve产品展⽰
Product display
RVY4/10 直通截⽌阀RVT4/10 直⾓截⽌阀RVY4/10 直通压⼒表阀RVT4/10 直⾓压⼒表阀TH4/10 三通阀
RVT4/10 多种接⼝⼩阀直通压⼒表阀连接直⾓压⼒表阀连接RVY15/50 直通截⽌阀
RRY15/50 直通调节截⽌阀VCY15/50 直通截⽌⽌回阀RCY15/50 直通⽌回阀RVT15/50 直⾓截⽌阀
RRT15/50 直⾓调节截⽌阀VCT15/50 直⾓截⽌⽌回阀RCT15/50 直⾓⽌回阀15
FIA15/50 直通过滤器FIA65/80 直通过滤器FIA100/250 直⾓过滤器FIA15/250 滤芯
Refrigeration Valve产品展⽰
Product display
RVY65/80 直通截⽌阀
RRY65/80 直通调节截⽌阀VCY65/80 直通截⽌⽌回阀65/80 直通、直⾓⽌回阀RVT65/80 直⾓截⽌阀
RRT65/80 直⾓调节截⽌阀VCT65/80 直⾓截⽌⽌回阀带密封帽直⾓截⽌⽌回阀RVY100/350 直通截⽌阀
RRY100/150 直通调节截⽌阀VCY100/350 直通截⽌⽌回阀⾼径法兰直通⽌回阀RVT100/350 直⾓截⽌阀
RRT100/150 直⾓调节截⽌阀 VCT100/350 直⾓截⽌⽌回阀平法兰直通⽌回阀16
TDZ15/250 直通过滤器TDZ15/250 直⾓过滤器法兰式直⾓截⽌阀
Refrigeration Valve产品应⽤
Product application17
Refrigeration Valve资质 及证 书
Qualification and certificate18