2. She has so much talent in singing that she could become a famous singer one day. 她在唱歌方面有很多天赋,有一天她可能会成为一位著名的歌手。 3. I have so much homework to do tonight that I won't have time to go out with friends. 我今晚有很多作业要做,没有时间和朋友出去。
4. The children were so excited about the trip to the amusement park that they could hardly sleep the night before. 孩子们对去游乐园的旅行非常兴奋,前一晚几乎无法入睡。
5. offers so much variety in clothing that it's hard to choose just one item. 这家商店的服装种类繁多,很难只选一件。
6. I have so much respect for my grandparents because they have experienced and overcome so many challenges in their lives. 我对我的祖父母非常尊敬,因为他们在生活中经历并克服了很多挑战。
7. The book contains so much valuable information that it has become my go-to resource for research. 这本书包含了如此丰富的有价值的信息,它已成为我进行研究的首选资源。
8. The movie was so touching that it brought tears to my eyes. 这部电影太感人了,让我热泪盈眶。
9. The museum has so much history on display that it takes hours to fully explore all the exhibits. 博物馆展示了如此丰富的历史,要花上几个小时才能探索所有展品。
10. He has so much energy that he can participate in multiple sports activities without getting tired. 他有如此多的精力,可以参加多项体育活动感到疲倦。