

2023-02-11 来源:爱站旅游
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山西师范大学学报(自然科学版) 2007正 [4]孙桂平,冀北七市与首都经济圈[J].中国经济信息,2003(16). [5]柳宝全副省长在“河北省城市经营与城镇化战略论坛”开幕式上的讲话[J].经济论坛,2003(21) Study on City Spafi ̄Structure Characteristics and Optimizing Countermeasures in Hebei province LONG Li-ar—i—n,ZHAO Hong-jie,LI Guo-liang (College ofResource and Environment Science ofHebei Normal University,Shij ̄hnang,ttebei 050016,China) Abstract:The paper probes the main characteristics of hte city spatial structure of Hebei province.The au- htor thinks htat landform,Beijing and Tinajin have some influence on hte city spatial structure ̄atly.And”one eblt,two flocks,two double-poles”space structure has already become currently.The author puts forward fur- hter optimizing countermeasures in Hebei province city spatial structure.The big,medium,small ciyt should be constructed moderately and ciyt system structure should be converted from nodes,axes,clusters toward ciyt net system pattern.  ・Key words:space structure;optimizing countermeasures;ciyt net system;Hebei province 山西师范大学参赛队员在国家级数学建模竞赛中获奖 在2006年全国大学生数学建模竞赛中,山西师 绩.国家级数学建模获奖队员及指导教师为:国家一 范大学参赛队员及指导教师利用暑假期间精心准 等奖:付润明、赵彩云、李志勇,范青龙(指导教师); 备。积极备战,参赛的十个队中,有七个队获奖,其 国家二等奖:何兴雄、胡晓萍、张维瑞,崔克忍(指导 中,1个队3人一举夺得了国家(甲组)一等奖,2个 教师);郭玉水、王秀芳、刘青青,刘生芝(指导教 队6人夺得了国家(甲组)二等奖,这是我校师生参 师)。 加全国高校规模最大的课外科技活动取得的最好成 
