l, l 8 9 横文彦 Fumihiko Maki 模文彦1928年出生于日本,曾就读于东京大学(建筑学学士)、匡溪艺术学院(建筑学硕士)和哈佛大学设计研究生院(建筑学硕士)。1965年 回东京开设公司前,模文彦曾在SOM事务所、塞尔特・杰克逊设计事务所以及圣路易斯华盛顿大学校区规划办公室工作。 横文彦在运营45人的设计团队的同时一贯保持对教育的关注。在美国生活期间,横文彦在哈佛大学和华盛顿大学教授建筑学与城市设计。回到 日本后,他担任东京大学教授,讲授建筑学至1987年。棋文彦在日美欧广泛讲学,他的文集《培育梦想》在2008年由麻省理工学院出版社出版。 横文彦曾获得众多最高水平专业奖项,包括1988年获以色列沃尔夫奖、1990年获托马斯・杰佛逊奖章、1993年获UIA金奖、1999年获美国艺 术与文学学院阿诺德・布鲁内奖、1999年获日本艺术协会世界文化奖。为了表彰他在城市总体规划领域的贡献和他对该领域中实体条件、社会条件和 历史条件的深刻认识,哈佛大学于1993年授予模文彦城市设计威尔士王子奖。 1993年模文彦获得有“建筑界的诺贝尔奖”之称的普利兹克奖,2011年美国建筑师学会授予横文彦最高奖项AIA金奖。 Fumihiko Maki was bo rn in 1928 in Tokyo,and educated at Unive rsity of Tokyo(BS A rch).C ranbrook Academy of Art(M.Arch)and Ha rvard Unive rsity G raduate School of Design(M.Arch).Prior to retu rning to Tokyo in 1965 to open his own fi rm,Maki wo rked in the offices of SOM and Se rt Jackson and Associates.as welI as,the campus planning office of Washington University in St.Louis. Maki has maintained an active inte rest in education while continuing to g row his 45。person practiceWhile Iiving in the United .States,he tauqht a rchitectu re and U rban design at Ha rva rd and Washington Unive rsity.Afte r retu rning to Japan.he became a professor at Tokyo University,where he taught architectu re until 1987.Maki has lectu red extensively in Japan,the United States and Europe.His collective writings were published in the volume,Nurturing Dreams.by MIT Press in 2008. Maki has been honored by many of the professions highest accolades,including the Wolf Prize frOm Is rael in 1988,the Thomas Jeffe rson MedaI in Architecture in 1990,the GoId MedaI of the UIA in 1993,the A rnoId 8 runne r Prize fr0m the Ame rjcan Academy Of A rts and Lette rs in 1999.and the Praemium Impe riale frOm the Japan Arts Association in 1999.Acknowledging Maki’S commitment to master planning and his profound unde rstandinq of physicaI.social,and histo ric COnditions involved in this discipIine,Ha rvard Unive rsity awarded him the Prince of Wales Prize in U rban Design in 1993. Fo remost among Maki。S many distinctions is the Pritzke r Prize—often rega rded as the”Nobel Prize fo r A rchitectu re”awarded to Maki in 1993.1n 2011.the American lnstitute of Architects honored Makj with its highest accolade.the AIA Gold Meda1. \t:\10 履历 现任职务:横文彦事务所负责人 教育背景 1952 东京大学建筑学学士 1953 匡溪艺术学院建筑学硕士 1954 哈佛大学设计研究生院建筑学硕士 所属专业团体 日本注册建筑师 德国注册建筑师 日本建筑师学会会员 美国建筑师学会荣誉会员 英国皇家建筑师学会荣誉会员 捷克建筑师学会荣誉会员 墨西哥建筑师学会荣誉会员 德国建筑师学会荣誉会员 美国艺术与科学院荣誉会员 欧洲艺术与科学院荣誉会员 法国建筑学院荣誉会员 皇家澳大利亚建筑师学会荣誉会员 皇家苏格兰建筑师协会荣誉会员 台湾建筑师学会荣誉会员 教育与研究 1956-1961 华盛顿大学副教授 1958-1960 格雷厄姆基金会会员 1962-1965 哈佛大学设计研究生院建筑学院副教授 1965-1985 美国与欧洲多所大学任特约评论员 1979。1989 东京大学建筑系教授 CURRICULUM VlTAE Present Position:Principal,Maki and Associates EDUCATION 1952 Bachelor of Architectu re.University of Tokyo 1953 Master of Architecture,Cranbrook Academy of Art 1954 Master of Architecture.Graduate School 0f Design,Ha rvard University PROFESSIONAL AFFILITAIONS Registered Architect,Japan Registered Architect,Germany Member,Japan Institute of Architects Honora ry FellOW.American Institute of Architects Honora ry Fellow,Royal Institute of British Architects Honorary FellOW.Czech Institute of Architects Honora ry Fellow,Mexican Institute of Architects Honorary FelIOW.Bund Deutscher Architekten Honorary Fellow.American Academy 0f Arts&Sciences Honora ry FellOW,Academia Scientiarum et Artium Eu ropaea Honora ry FelIOW.French Academy 0f Architecture Honora ry FellOW.RoyaI Australian Institute of Architects Honora ry Fellow.Royal IncOrpOratiOn of Architects in Scotland Honorary FellOW.Taiwan Institute of Architects TEACHING AND RESEARCH 1956-1961 Associate Professor,Washington University 1958-1960 Graham Foundation FellOW 1962-1965 Associate Professor,GSD Harvard University 1965—1985 Visiting Critic,Universities in the United States and Eu rope 1979-1989 Professor,Department of Architecture.University of Tokyo 11 横文彦奖项\FUMIHIKO MAKI AWARDS