

America After World War II

08英语一班 冯爽08571106

The international relationship after war There was an important Conference at Yalta in Feb. 1945, which was called Yalta Conference.Roosevelt,Churchill and Stalin attended the Conference. The Yalta Conference established the fundamental of the international relationship after war. Here is the main content of the Yalta Conference :1,Deal with the defeated countries, prevent the Fascism from emerging again;2,Redistrict the areas of Europe and Asia and the areas of defeated coutries ;3,Set up the United Nations. Seemingly it was a fair conference ,but its substanceis that America and the Soviet Union redistricted the world into two parts according to their own strategic requirements,,which was deeply marked with Power power.

The form of Bipolarity Because the increasing conflict of national intreset and ideology between America and the Soviet Union ,the Bipolarity was finally formed.Here is the process:In 1945 the Yalta System was establishment ,which signed Bipolarity to form;In 1946 Churchill delivered his speech “Iron Curtain”,which was the prelude to the Cold War;In 1947 Truman Doctrine appeared,which meant America comprehensively carried out the Cold War In the post war period the difference between the two powers increased and later led to a new kind of war ,a war without fighting.It was generally marked

by international tension and hostility. The Cold War was ended with the dissolution of the USSR in 1991.

Why the Cold War appeared ? Here are the reasons :1)After the war,America had powerful economy and military ,which ranked first in the world,so his ambition to dominate the world developed incresingly.2)In order to containment Communism,so America brought out The Cold War.

The Cold War expressed in the following aspects:On politics there was Truman Doctrine;on economy there was Marshall Plan and on Military there was North Atlantic Treaty Orgnization.

The Cold War had a great influence on the world and we can learn from it that ideology and policy dominate human society;and in order to prevail over the other in science and technology, they developed high technology, which accelerated the process of the third technological revolution Hegemony between America and the Soviet Union

In the late 1950s, Khrushchev changed their strategy and carried out Hegemony ,they required to be on equal terms with America.So Hegemony burst out beteewn the superpowers.

From the mid of 1950s to the early 1960s,Relaxation and tension existed at the same time,and America was at advantages. Here is the relaxation :The Soviet Union cooperated with Western countries initiatively,and signed Contract to end the occupation to Austria by 4 countries, the Soviet Union admitted federal German government,and in 1959 Khrushchev visited America

for the first time.While the tension existed, in 1961,the Berlin Wall was built and in 1962 the Cuban Missile Crisis burst.Because America has the following advantages:they established the Bretton Woods System and NATO,they had powerful military strength,so they were at advantage in the first stage.From the late 1960s to the end 1970s, the Soviet Union Military occupied Afghanistan,and took further military threat to China.While America recognised the Normalization of Sino-US relations in 1972,and in 1973 Withdrew troops from Vietnam.Because in 1973 the the Bretton Woods system disintegrated and they faced economic crisis during 1973 to1975 so in 1975 America was faced with the \"Stagflation\" phase. From the mid to the end of1980s,America carried out small-scale local wars to compete for the Third World,which called Star Wars Program。Because America government cut tax rates,reduced expenditure and government intervention in business,so in 1982 economy recoveried. While The Soviet Union faced economic difficulties and the financial burden of the occupation of fghanistan increased. So they reduced Arms,withdrew from Afghanistan, recognised the Normalization of Sino-Soviet relations,gave up the spheres of influence which were gained in 1970s and relaxed the control of Eastern Europe,then finally exited. Hegemony between America and the Soviet Union had a great influence. To America they faced excessive military spending and financial difficulties,so the capitalist hegemony shaked.To the Soviet Union,excessive militarization process of the national economy increased economic difficulties,and

intensified social conflicts,finally led to the disintegration of Soviet Union.To the world there were a series of regional conflicts,the tension and turmoil exacerbated .

Besides the war with the Soviet Union,America were involved in wars in different parts of the world in the 1950s and 1960s ,at her own home broke out the civil rights movement,which involve government protection of individual against discrimination based on their race, religion,national origin,gender ,age ande other factors.Until the 1950,Dr.Martin Luther King,Jr., a black man,organized a boycott of the bus service in Montgomery.In 1963, King led many people to march to the Lincoln Memorial and then gave his famous speech “I have a dream”,his philosophy of nonviolence demonstrations was widely adopted in the rapidly growing civi rights movement.In 1964,he won the Nobel Prize for peace. Martin Luther King,Jr is an important feature in the US, it is he who brought America to a new world,where every is equal,no matter you are white or blace.

This is mainly situation about America after WWII,although she was faced many difficulties,she still went through and made some progress,and played an important role at the stage of the whole world.
