

2023-02-11 来源:爱站旅游
附录B:程序清单 fficeffice\" />

小车控制程序清单 /*

*********************************************************************************** * 工程名称:SmartCar

* 功能描述:结合飞思卡尔16位单片机MC9S12DG128B完成小车自动寻迹,沿黑线行驶功能 * IDE环境: Metrowerks CodeWarrior 4.1 * 组成文件: * main.c

* SmartCar.c/PID.c/LCD1620.c/Test.c

* 说明: 本版本为智能小车程序早期版本,还有待更进一步完善 * 日期:ffice:smarttags\" />2006-5-6 * (c) Copyright 2006,Zhao Cheng * All Rights Reserved * *

* By : Zhao Cheng

**********************************************************************************/ /*

************************************************************************************ main.c *

* (c) Copyright 2006,Zhao Cheng * All Rights Reserved *

* By : Zhao Cheng

**********************************************************************************/ #include /* common defines and macros */ #include /* derivative information */ #pragma LINK_INFO DERIVATIVE \"mc9s12dg128b\"

#define HIGHSPEED 11500 /* 速度参量,此处未使用测速模块 */ #define LOWSPEED0 12500 /* 0-24000 数值越大,速度越慢 */ #define LOWSPEED1 12000 /* used in CarMain() */ #define STABMAX 50

#define StopCar() PORTK |= 0x80 /* stop the motor */ #define StartCar() PORTK |= 0x04 /* start the motor */

#define BrakeCar() PORTK &= 0xfb /* slow the speed of the SmartCar */ unsigned int SYSCLOCK=0; /* update in INT_Timer0() */ /*

*********************************************************************************** * FUNCTION PROTOTYPES

**********************************************************************************/ /* write in \"SmartCar.c\" */

void Init_INT_RTI(void); /* initiate Real Time Interrupt */ void Init_INT_Timer(void); /* INT_Timer0 initiate */ void Init_PWMout(void); /* initiate PWM output */ void PWMout(int, int); /* output PWM */ /* write in \"PID.c\" */

void Init_PID(void); /* initiate PID parameter */ int CalculateP(void); /* calculate parameter P */ float CalculatePID(void); /* calculate PID */

int SignalProcess(unsigned char); /* Process the signal from the sensors */ /* write in \"Test.c\" */

void IOtest(void); /* Test I/O */

void PWMtest(void); /* Test PWM output */ int SignalTest(void); /* Test the sensors */ /* write in local file */

void Init(void); /* initiate parameter */

void ProtectMoto(void); /* the function protecting the Motor */ void CarMain(void); /* SmartCar main function */ /*

*********************************************************************************** * 主程序 *

* 程序描述: 完成智能小车系统的初始化,通过按键可选择工作模式,有I/O测试,PWM 输出测试 * 传感器测试,以及小车正常工作模式 *

* 硬件连接:PORTB 接传感器

* PWM 输出口 (1)接舵机 (2)接电机驱动芯片MC33886 *

* 说明: 无

**********************************************************************************/ void main(void) { Init();

DDRB = 0x00; switch(PORTB) {

case 0x80: IOtest(); break; case 0x40: PWMtest(); break; case 0x20: SignalTest(); break;


DDRA = 0x00; DDRB = 0xff; DDRK = 0xff; PORTB = 0xff; CarMain();

EnableInterrupts; for(;;); break; } }





回复 引评分 报

发表Re:上届/* ffice


帖子 797 积分 548785 威望 6495 贡献 107240 充值币 121 学校 HIT 学历 硕士 注册时间 2007-6-8

******* 小车寻*

* 程序描进而调* 控制舵*

* 注意:*

* 说明:******void Ca{

static instatic unstatic unstatic unint i; signal =PORTBDirectio/* 稳定Stability



else StabAve}

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BrakeTiBrakeC} else {



BrakeTiBrakeC} } else {

if(DirecVelocityelse Velocity} }

PWMou} /*

xs128系回复 引评分 报



发表于 2007-6-9 02:43 | 只看该作者 Re:上届华中科技大学的程序清单1



帖子 797 积分 548785 威望 6495 贡献 107240 充值币 121 学校 HIT 学历 硕士 注册时间 2007-6-8

ffice\" />

* 系统初始化函数 *

* 程序描述: 初始化了系统时钟,FLASH 和 EEPRO的工作频率,PWM输出口,中的有关参数 *

* 注意: 这个函数调用了 Init_PWMout()nit_INT_Timer()nit_PID() *

* 说明: 无

**********************************************************************void Init(void) {

REFDV=0x01; /* initiate PLL clock */

SYNR =0x02; /* system clock ffice:smarttags\" />24M */ while (!(CRGFLG & 0x08)){} /* wait untill steady */ CLKSEL=0x80; /* 选定所相环时钟 */

FCLKDIV=0x49; /* 使FLASH 和 EEPROM */ /* 的擦除操作工作频率在200HZ左右 */ ECLKDIV=0x49;

Init_PWMout(); /* 01:50Hz 45:1kHz */

Init_INT_Timer(); /* initiate ETC(Enhanced Capture Clock) */ Init_PID(); /* initiate PID caculating process */ DDRK |= 0x80; /* Start Car -- stop car */ PORTK &= 0x7F; } /*

*********************************************************************** SmartCar.c *

* (c) Copyright 2006,Zhao Cheng * All Rights Reserved *

* By : Zhao Cheng * Data : 2006_5_6

* Note : Don't change this file if possible.




extern SYSCLOCK; /* 引用全局变量,系统时钟 */ void CarMain(void); /*

*********************************************************************** PWM初始化函数 *

**********************************************************************void Init_PWMout(void) {

PWME = 0x22; /*01:50Hz 45:1kHz */ PWMPOL = 0x22; PWMCTL = 0x50; PWMCLK = 0x02; PWMSCLA = 4; } /*

*********************************************************************** PWM输出函数

* 程序描述:输入参数为方向,速度 * 方向:-45~45 * 速度:0~24000

**********************************************************************void PWMout(int Direction, int Velocity) {

Direction = Direction/3 + 4500; if(Direction<3000) Direction=3000; if(Direction>6000) Direction=6000;

PWMPER01 = 60000; /* Center 1500ms*3 */ PWMDTY01 = Direction+93; /* 设置舵机角度 */ if(Velocity>24000) Velocity=24000;

PWMPER45 = 24000; /* 1kHz ( <10kHz ) */ PWMDTY45 = Velocity; /* 设置电机速度 */ }

/* initiate Real Time Interrupt 1.0 */ void Init_INT_RTI(void) {

RTICTL = 0x74; CRGINT |=0x80; }

/* Real Time Interrupt 1.0 */ interrupt void INT_RTI(void) {

demon CRGFLG |= 0x80; /* clear the interrrupt flag */ } /* INT_Timer0 initiate 1.0 */ void Init_INT_Timer(void) { TSCR2 =0x07; /* 128Hz at 16M bus clok */ /* 128Hz * 2/3 at 24m bus clock */ /* in fact it is a little more than it. */ TIOS |=0x01; /* I/O select */ TIE |=0x01; /* Interrupt Enable */ TSCR1|=0x80; /* TSCR1_TEN=1 //Timer Enable */ } /* INT_Timer0 1.0 */ interrupt void INT_Timer0(void) { SYSCLOCK++; CarMain(); TC0 = TCNT + 1874; /* 1875-1 :100Hz */ /* F = Fosc / (TC*128) */ TFLG1 |=0x01; /* clear interrupt flag */ } /* not finished EEPROM */ void EEPROM(void) { ECLKDIV = 0x4F; while(!(ECLKDIV&0x80)) /* wheather */ {} while(!(ESTAT&0x80)) /* wheather the command buffer is empty */ {} while(!(EPROT&0x80)) /* wheather the eeprom is enabled to */ {} ECMD = 0x41; ESTAT |= 0x80; while(!(ESTAT&0x80)) /* wheather the command buffer is empty */ {} } DEMOK工作室淘宝小店 回复 引用 评分 报告 使用道具 TOP 4# 发表于 2007-6-9 02:43 | 只看该作者 Re:上届华中科技大学的程序清单1 /* fficeffice\" />



帖子 797 积分 548785 威望 6495 贡献 107240 充值币 121 学校 HIT 学历 硕士 注册时间 2007-6-8

* PID.c

* Description: This file includes some basic calculation function of PID * (c) Copyright 2006,Zhao Cheng * All Rights Reserved *

* By : Zhao Cheng * Data : 2006_5_6

* Note : Don't change this file if possible.

**********************************************************************#include /* derivative information */ /*

*********************************************************************** 宏定义

**********************************************************************#define STABMAX 50 #define SENSORNUM 8 #define SAMPLETIMES 5 /*

*********************************************************************** FUNCTION PROTOTYPES

**********************************************************************int CalculateP(void); float CalculatePID(void);

/********************************** PID控制程序***********************struct CARSTATE {

int E0; int E1; int E2; int E3;

float Integral; }CarState; /*

*********************************************************************** 初始化PID参数

**********************************************************************void Init_PID() {

CarState.E0 = 0; CarState.E1 = 0; CarState.E2 = 0;

CarState.E3 = 0; CarState.Integral = 0; } /*

*********************************************************************** 信号处理函数 *

* 程序描述: 对传感器采集过来的数据进行处理,得到一些基本的计算参数 *

* 说明: 无

**********************************************************************int SignalProcess( unsigned int signal ) {

const int BitValue[8] = {43,26,12,6,-6,-12,-26,-43}; //MAX:28 int i,CurrPoint=0,LastPoint=0,BitNum=0; unsigned char SignalBit[8]; for(i=0;i<8;i++) {

SignalBit[i] = signal & 0x0001; BitNum += SignalBit[i]; signal >>= 1; }

switch(BitNum) {

case 1:

for(i=0;i<8;i++) if(SignalBit[i] != 0)

CurrPoint += BitValue[i]; CarState.E0 = CurrPoint; break; case 2:

for(i=0;i<8;i++) if(SignalBit[i] != 0)

CurrPoint += BitValue[i]; CurrPoint >>= 1;

CarState.E0 = CurrPoint; break; default:

CarState.E0 = CarState.E1; break; }

return CalculateP()*100; } /*


* PID计算函数 *

* 程序描述: 计算P参数 *

* 说明: 无


int CalculateP(void) {

CarState.E1 = CarState.E0; return((int)CarState.E0); } /*

*********************************************************************** PID计算函数 *

* 程序描述: 对传感器采集过来的数据进行处理,得到一些基本的计算参数 *

* 说明: 无

**********************************************************************float CalculatePID(void) {

float P, I = 0, D; /* parameter const */

float Kp = 1.0, Ki = -0.0002, Kd = -0.0002; /* P parameter */

P = CarState.E0 * Kp; /* I parameter */ if(P+I<2) {

CarState.Integral += Ki * CarState.E0; I = CarState.Integral; }

/* D parameter */

D = Kd * ( CarState.E0 + 3*CarState.E1 - 3*CarState.E2 - CarState.E3 )/6.0; CarState.E3 = CarState.E2; CarState.E2 = CarState.E1; CarState.E1 = CarState.E0; return (P+I+D); }

DEMOK工作室淘宝小店 回复 引用

评分 报告 使用道具 TOP



发表于 2007-6-9 02:44 | 只看该作者 Re:上届华中科技大学的程序清单 /* ffice

ffice\" />


帖子 797 积分 548785 威望 6495 贡献 107240 充值币 121 学校 HIT 学历 硕士 注册时间 2007-6-8

* Test.c

* Description: This file includes I/ O function for test, the PWM outputs function for tes* testing sensors.

* (c) Copyright 2006,Zhao Cheng * All Rights Reserved *

* By : Zhao Cheng

* Note : Don't change this file if possible.


#include #define HIGHSPEED 8000

#define LOWSPEED 11000 /* 速度变量,0-24000 数值越大,速度越慢 */ void PWMout(int, int); /* 24000-20000 */ void IOtest(void) {

static unsigned char i=0,j=0x01,k; DDRB = DDRA = 0xFF; PORTB = 0xf0; for(;;) {

k=(~j)&0xffice:smarttags\" />7f; PORTA = PORTB = k; while (TCNT != 0x0000); while (TCNT == 0x0000) {

if(i>9) {

j=j<<1; i=0; } i++; }

if(j>=0x80) j=0x01;

} }

void PWMtest(void) {

int counter=-4500; DDRB = 0xff; PORTB = 0xff;

TSCR1 = 0x80; /* enable timer TCNT */ TSCR2 = 0x00; /* TCNT prescaler setup */ for(;;) {

while (TCNT != 0x0000); while (TCNT == 0x0000); counter=counter+30; if(counter >= 3000) {

counter = 0;

PWMout(4500, LOWSPEED); }

if(counter == 1500) {

PWMout(-4500, LOWSPEED); }

PORTB = (char)(counter/100); } }

void SignalTest(void) {

unsigned char signal; int Direction, Velocity; Direction = 0;

Velocity = LOWSPEED; DDRA = 0x00; DDRB = 0xff; signal = PORTA; PORTB = ~signal; switch(signal) {

case 0x08: /* 0001 1000 */ case 0x10:

Direction = 800;

Velocity = HIGHSPEED; break;

case 0x04: /* 0010 0100 */

case 0x20:

Direction = 1500;

Velocity = HIGHSPEED; break;

case 0x02: /* 0100 0010 */ case 0x40:

Direction = 2800;

Velocity = HIGHSPEED; break;

case 0x01: /* 1000 0001 */ case 0x80:

Direction = 4000;

Velocity = LOWSPEED; break;

case 0x3c: /* 0011 1100 over start line */ case 0xff: /* 1111 1111 over crossing line */

case 0x00: /* 0000 0000 go straight not need changed state */ default: break; }

if(signal > 0x0f)

Direction = -Direction;

PWMout(Direction, LOWSPEED); } /*

*********************************************************************** LCD1620.c

* ICC-AVR application builder : 2006-1-8 21:43:48 * Target : M8

* Crystal: 4.0000Mhz *

* Note : Don't change this file if possible.

**********************************************************************#define CMD_CLEAR 0x01 #define CMD_RESET 0x02 #include #include #define LCD_DATA 0xff

#define LCD_EN 0x01 //PORTC 0 #define LCD_RS 0x02 //PORTC 1 #define LCD_RW 0x04 //PORTC 2 #define LCD_DATAPORT PORTB #define LCD_ENPORT PORTA #define LCD_RSPORT PORTA

#define LCD_RWPORT PORTA void lcd_init(void);

void lcd_write_cmd(unsigned cmd,unsigned data); void lcd_setxy(unsigned char x,unsigned char y);

void lcd_write_string(unsigned char X,unsigned char Y,unsigned char *str); void delay_nus(unsigned int n); void delay_nms(unsigned int n); void lcd_init(void) {



LCD_DATAPORT=0x30; //控制字规则:5:8bit,4:16x2,3:5x7 LCD_ENPORT|=LCD_EN; delay_nus(1);

LCD_ENPORT&=~LCD_EN; delay_nus(40);

lcd_write_cmd(0,0x38); //8bit test lcd_write_cmd(0,0x0c); //显示开 lcd_write_cmd(0,0x01); //显示清屏

lcd_write_cmd(0,0x06); //显示光标移动设置 }

void lcd_write_cmd(unsigned cmd,unsigned data) {




LCD_ENPORT&=~LCD_EN; delay_nus(10); }

void lcd_setxy(unsigned char x,unsigned char y) {

unsigned char addr; if(y==0)

addr=x+0x80; else


lcd_write_cmd(0,addr); }

void lcd_write_string(unsigned char X,unsigned char Y,unsigned char *str) {

lcd_setxy(X,Y); while(*str) {

lcd_write_cmd(1,*str); str++; } }

void delay_1us(void) //1us延时函数 {

asm(\"nop\"); }

void delay_nus(unsigned int n) //N us延时函数 {

unsigned int i=0; for (i=0;ivoid delay_1ms(void) //1ms延时函数 {

unsigned int i;

for (i=0;i<1140;i++); }

void delay_nms(unsigned int n) //N ms延时函数 {

unsigned int i=0; for (i=0;i//call this routine to initialize all peripherals void main(void) {

lcd_init(); while(1) {

lcd_write_cmd(0,0x01); //清屏 delay_nms(2);

lcd_write_string(0,0,\"happy new year\"); delay_nms(100);

lcd_write_string(0,1,\"LCD successful!\"); delay_nms(100); } }
