

2022-04-08 来源:爱站旅游
十中国文化 崔刚 /选注 e Doctrine of the Mean is one of the Four Books and a part of the Confucian canoni. cal scriptures。.Like the Great Learning,it was originally one chapter in Classic of Rites.It is said to be a composition by Confucius’grandson Kong ji,called Zi Si. It was ifrst selected by Zhu Xi,a great Neo-Confucian philosopher,as a foundational introduction to Confucianism during the Song Dynasty.  :The purpose of this small 33一chapter book is to demonstrate the usefulness of a golden way to gain perfect vitrue .It focuses on the“way’’that is prescribed by a heavenly mandate not on— ly to the ruler but to everyone.To follow these heavenly insturctions by learning and teaching will automatically result in a Confucian vitrue.Zhu Xi presented the doctrine of the Mean as the central theme of Confucian thought.The two Chinese characters zhong yong express a Confucian ideal that is SO broad and SO all—embracings as to encompass。vitrually every relationship and ev— cry activity of man’s life.In practice,the doctrine of the Mean means countless things:modera— tionm,rectitude“,objectivity ,sincerity,honesty,truthfulness,propriety”,equilibriumH,and lack of prejudice .For example.a friend should be neither too close nor too remote.Neither in grief Notes:1.本文根据有关材料选编而成,其中《中庸》 5.virtue【 va:tju:】优点,美德。 的英语翻译主要依据2001年由Simon 6.prescribe规定,嘱咐。 Publications出版的The Chinese Classics中 7.heavenly mandate天命。 James Legge的翻译,汉语部分则依据2007 8.al1.embracing包括一切的。 年线装书局出版的《四书五经》。doctrine 9.encompass【in kAmpos】包含,包括。 f"doktrin]教条,学说。 10.moderation适度。 2.canonical[ko nonikal】scripture 1 1.rectitude[ rektitju:d】公正。 正统的权威著作。 12.objectivity客观。 3.据说《中庸》是孔子的孙子子思所作, 1 3.propriety[pra'praiati]妥当,得体。 但也有人认为是秦汉时儒家的作品。 14.equilibrium[.i:kwi'libriam]平衡,均势。 4.demons ̄ate证明.展示。 15.prejudice["pred3udis】偏见。 崔刚,清华大学外语系教授,博士生导师,本刊编委。 24 @⑥00@⑨@匡响⑨06 响 ◆1.中国文化 L 2 nor in joy should one be excessive,for unregulated happiness can be as harmful as uncon. trolled sorrow.One must adhere unswervingly to”the Mean at all times and in every situation. The following are some quotations from The Doctrine of the Mean,presented in both Eng. 1ish and Chinese. What Heaven confers is called the Nature. Accordance with this nature is called the Way.Cultivating the Way is called education. The Way may not be left for an jnstant.If jt could he jeft. 天命之谓性,率性 之谓道,修道之谓教。 道也者,不可须臾 it would not be the Way.On this account,the superior man is 离也,可离非道也。是 cautious in the place where he is not seen,and apprehensive 故君子戒慎乎其所不 in the place where he is not heard. 睹,恐惧乎其所不闻。 Nothing is more visible than the hidden, and nothing is 莫见乎隐。莫显乎 more apparent than the subtle.Therefore the superior man is 微,故君子慎其独也。 cautious when he is alone. While there are no stirrings of pleasure,anger,sorrow,or 喜怒哀乐之未发, joy,the mind may be said to be in the state of equilibrium. 谓之中;发而皆中节, When those feelings have been stired,and they act in their due 谓之和。中也者.天下 degree,there ensues加what may be called the state of harmony. 之大本也;和也者,天 This equilibrium is the great root from which grow all the human 下之达道也。 actions in the world, and this harmony is the uuiversa1 Wav which they all should pursue21. Let the states of equilibrium and harmony exist in perfec— 致中和,天地位 tion,and a happy order will prevail丝throughout heaven and 焉,万物育焉。 earth,and all things will be nourished and flourish. Confucius said,“The superior man embodies the course 0f 仲尼日,“君子中 the Mean;the inferior man acts contrary to the course of the 庸,小人反中庸。” Mcan.” The superior man’s embodying the course of the Mean is 君子之中庸也.君 because he is a superior man, and SO always maintains the 子而时中;小人之中庸 Mean.The inferior man’s acting contrary to the COUrse of the 也,小人而无忌惮也。 Mean is because he is an inferior man,and has no cauti0n. unregulated无节制的。 20.ensue【in"sjUl】跟着发生,继起。 adhere unswervingly to始终不渝地坚持。 21.pursue[pa Ul 追求。 confer[k ̄n'fo:]赠与,授予。 22.prevail[pri'veil流行,成功。 apprehensive[1zepri'hensiv】能理解的。 ⑥口0@ @匡 06s响 25 .|.中国文化.|◆ & There iS nobody but eats and drinks. m ¨ But there are few who can distinguish fla— Vors. The Master said,“Men all say,‘We are wise,23 but being driven forward and taken in a net,a trap,or a pitfall,they don’t know how to escape.Men alI say. ‘We are wise’,but happening to choose the course of the Mean,they are not able to keep it for a round month.” The superior man accords with斟the course of the Mean.Though he may be all unknown,unrecognized by the world, he feels no regret. It is only the sage巧 who can do this. The Way is not something separate from man. If you practice a Way that is apart from man,this cannot be the Way. 人莫不饮食也,鲜能知味也。 子日:“人皆曰予知,驱而纳 1 2. Being sincere and fair to all,though this is differ- 诸罟撞陷阱之中,而莫之知辟 也。人皆日予知.择乎中庸而不 能期月守也。” 君子依乎中庸,遁世不见知 而不悔,唯圣者能之。 道不远人。人之为道而远 ent from the Way,it is not far from it.This means‘‘not doing to others what you don’t want done to yourself.” 1 3.The superior man does what is proper to the situa- tion in which he is;he does not desire to go beyond this. 14. When in a hi gh position,he does not treat with contempt his inferiors.When in a low position,he does 人,不可以为道。 not c0urt the favor of his superiors.He rectifies him— 忠怒违道不远,施诸己而不 selF-6,and seeks for nothing from others,SO that he has 愿,亦勿施於人。 no dissatisfactions.He does not murmur against Heav— en,nor grumble against men. 君子素其位而行,不愿乎其外。 在上位,不陵下;在下位,不 15.The Way of the superior man may be compared to 援上。正己而不求於人,则无怨。 what takes place in traveling:To go to a distance we 上不怨天,下不尤人。 must first traverse the space that is near,and to ascend a height,we must begin from the lower ground . r君子之道.辟如行远必自 迩,辟如登高必自卑。 tt■# 一一 } 一 j  。{ 7 t _ 0 0 一 I 一 一 7 “ 23.We aye wise予知,指人自以为很聪明。 26.rectify oneself正己。rectify[ rektifai1矫正。 27.begin from the lower ground 24.accord with与……一致。 25.sage贤人,圣人。 自卑,指从低的地方开始。 26 @⑨00@⑨@匡响⑨06 .1.中国文化 1 6.Heaven develops each thing according to its preparation. Thus,Heaven nourishes the growing sprout,and throws down the leaning tree. 17.To be fond of learning is to be near to knowledge.To practice with vigor is to be near to magnanimity捣.To possess the feeling of shame is to be near to courage. 1 8. In all things Success depends on previous preparation。and without such previous preparation there is sure to be failure.If what is to be spoken be previously determined,there will be no stumblinga9.If affairs be previously determined.there will be no diiculty with them.If one’s actions have been previously de・ ftermined.there wilI be no sorrow in connection with them.If principles of conduct have been previously determined,practice of them will be inexhaustible. 19.He who attains∞to sincerity is one who chooses what is good,and firmly holds it fast. 故天之生物,必因 其材而笃焉。故栽者培 之,倾者覆之。 好学近乎知.力行 近乎仁,知耻近乎勇。 凡事豫则立.不豫 则废。言前定则不跆,事 前定则不困。行前定则 不疚,道前定则不穷。 the 诚之者.择善而固 执之者也。 20.To this attainment there are requisites :the extensive study of what is good.accurate inquiry about it.careful reflection on it,the clear discrimination of it,and the earnest practice of it. 博学之,审问之,慎 思之,明辨之,笃行之。 2 1. Sincerity is the end and beginning ot’things;without sin. 诚者物之终始.不 诚无物。是故君子诚之 为贵。 今天下车同轨.书 同文,行同伦。 cerity there would be nothing.On this a(‘count.the superior man regards the attainment of sincerity as the most excellent thing. 22. Now over the kingdom. carriages have all wheels of the same size;all writing is with the same characters;and for con. duct there are the same rules. 23. All things are nourished together without their injuring one 万物并育而不相 another.The courses of the seasons,and of the sun and moon. are pursued without any collision among them.The smaller energies are like river currents;the greater energies are seen in 害,道并行而不相悖。 小德川流,大德敦化,此 天地之所以为大也1 mighty transformations.It is this which makes heaven and earth SO great. 28.magnanimity[.mzegno'nimiti】崇高。 32.inquiry[in'kwaiori】调查,审查。 33.reflection沉思,反省。 29.stumbling[ stAmblirj】跌绊,错误。 30.attain获得,达到。 34.discrimination辨别,区分。 31.requisite【"rekwizit】必不可少的条件。 35.collision[ko'li3on】碰撞,冲突。 @⑥00@⑨@匡响 06 响 27 
