
Data management apparatus, data management method,

2020-08-03 来源:爱站旅游
导读Data management apparatus, data management method,

专利名称:Data management apparatus, data

management method, and datacommunication system

发明人:Atsushi Miyamoto,Masato Andou,Eiji

Yamada,Masaharu Hattori,Hirofumi Iizuka



摘要:The present invention provides a data management apparatus for managing a

plurality of data items output by a plurality of communication devices that output data.The data management apparatus includes a storage section configured to store deviceidentification information of each of the plurality of communication devices in associationwith charge identification information including either contractor identification

information of a contractor of a contract for using a relay apparatus that is configured totransfer the plurality of data items to the data management apparatus or acquireridentification information of a data acquirer who acquires the data from the datamanagement apparatus, and a charge amount determination section configured todetermine a charge amount for each item of the charge identification information on thebasis of data communication traffic volumes corresponding to data output from thecommunication devices of one or more device identification information items stored inassociation with the charge identification information.


地址:Tokyo JP


代理机构:Greenblum & Bernstein, P.L.C.

