专利名称:Plasma enhanced chemical deposition with
low vapor pressure compounds
发明人:John D. Affinito申请号:US08939594申请日:19970929公开号:US06224948B1公开日:20010501
摘要:Generally, the apparatus of the present invention is (a) a flash evaporationhousing with a monomer atomizer for making monomer particles, heated evaporationsurface for making an evaporate from the monomer particles, and an evaporate outlet,
connected to (b) a glow discharge electrode creating a glow discharge plasma from theevaporate, wherein (c) the substrate is proximate the glow discharge plasma for receivingand cryocondensing the glow discharge plasma thereon. The method of the presentinvention has the steps of (a) flash evaporating a liquid monomer an evaporate outletforming an evaporate; (b) passing the evaporate to a glow discharge electrode creating aglow discharge monomer plasma from the evaporate; and (c) cryocondensing the glowdischarge monomer plasma on a substrate and crosslinking the glow discharge plasmathereon, wherein the crosslinking results from radicals created in the glow dischargeplasma and achieves self curing.
代理机构:Killworth, Gottman, Hagan & Schaeff, L.L.P.