专利名称:Providing communication to a subscriber
having a plurality of terminals
发明人:Thomas Lederer申请号:US13055257申请日:20090729公开号:US08483380B2公开日:20130709
摘要:The invention relates to a method for providing communication, comprising aplurality of communication subscribers, comprising at least one first piece of addressinformation associated with a first communication subscriber, a second and at least one
third piece of address information associated with at least a second communicationsubscriber and a fourth piece of address information associated with a central controlfunction, wherein in the event of a failure of a first connection attempt made to a secondcommunication subscriber by a communication subscriber determined by the first pieceof address information while using the second piece of address information, during asecond attempt at a connection following the failure by the first communicationsubscriber determined by the first piece of address information to the central controlfunction determined by the fourth piece of address information, the control functioninitiates the forwarding of the second connection to the second communicationsubscriber while using the third piece of address information. The invention furtherrelates to a communication system for carrying out the method.
申请人:Thomas Lederer
地址:Herrsching DE
代理机构:Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC