以服务业为核心的创智创新高地人才服务体系产业协同发展体系CBD企业信用体系创新引导政策体系知识产权保护与交易体系图:打造以服务业为核心的创智创新高地BEIJING CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT
34北京CBD2016/09BEIJING CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICTABSTRACTeconomic governance and urban innovative development. Different from grand and ceremonious G20 Hangzhou Summit, the Beijing CBD Festival held in September every year came in a low profile just like an old friend for years. Without too much greetings and elaborate scene for the old friend, we aim at the target and come straight to the point. The opening ceremony of the business festival integrated the settlement of sci-tech innovation projects, the 13th Five Year Plan Exhibition of Chaoyang District, and Sci-Tech Innovative products Exhibition. Three round-table conferences mainly explored the development of Beijing CBD as well as such pillar industries as finance, business and cultural & creative industry. The series of business & cultural activities concerned development themes of business district, city, talents and regions. Series of mass culture activities such as Singing for CBD, CBD Drama Week and Artistic Creation Exhibition were on show in many ways, gathering popularity of development.The Year 2016 is a changing and concluding year between the 12th and the 13th Five Year Plans. Depending on the “old friend”—2016 Beijing CBD Business Festival, whether Beijing CBD or Chaoyang District should sum up the past, and pay more eagerly attention to the present, and both are more full of confidence to look forward to the future. CBD ResearchLeading development of high-grade, precision and advanced industries in Capital economy, and building the Innovative CBD —Interpretation of the 13th Five Year Plan for CBD functional Area The national 13th Five Year Plan states China’s overall national development targets and roadmap in the future five years, and a series of new ideas, expressions and measures, and puts forth the tasks and goals of economic and social development in the future five years. Implementing the innovation driving is the top priority put forth in the Plan, and is also a major strategy to drive transformation development. Beijing Municipal Government will build the Technical Innovation Center as its important functional positioning. Beijing CBD is the gathering place of international high-end talents and service industries, and has rich innovative resources and powerful innovation driving force. It has conditions and responsibility to play the leading and demonstration roles in construction of Beijing Technical Innovation Center and implementation of national innovation development strategy. For this reason, the 13th Five Year Plan of CBD Functional Area stresses to build Beijing CBD as a service-oriented wisdom and innovation highland, and construct the Innovation CBD. 96北京CBD2016/09