


翻译理论与实践(1)卷课程36学时2学分 考试形式:闭卷 专业年级:_______________ 总分100分

【Give your answers on ANSWER SHEET attached】

I. Choose the best answers from the following statements: 10 %

1. The “expressiveness”(达) in Yen Fu’s notion of translation means that the translation should be _______.

A. readable & acceptable B. fluent & easy C. faithful & true D. elegant & beautiful 2. The syntactic difference between Chinese and English is that_______.

A. the Chinese: hypotaxis and in bamboo shape B. the English: parataxis and in tree shape C. the Chinese: parataxis and in bamboo shape D. none of the above

3. In translating _______, the most important is to convey the information of the original. A. authoritative statements B. literary works

C. autobiography D. sci-tech materials

4. According to the Text Typology made by Newmark, the Commercial documents can be classified into________.

A. expressive text B. informative text C. vocative text D. appellative text 5. “Rather be faithful than smooth” in translation is advocated by________.

A. Fu Lei B. Yen Fu C. Lu Xun D. Qian Zhongshu

6. “The translation should have all the ease of original composition” was advocated by______.

A. Cicero B. Tytler C. Jerome D. Postgate

7. The translation of the “publicity” generally has all text functions except for_______.

A. informativeness B. appellativeness C. expressiveness D. anonymousness 8. Domestication translation means to_______.

A. follow the target language’s norms and conventions B. follow the source language’s norms and conventions C. to focus on the source culture D. none of the above

9. Walter Benjamin(本雅明)holds that translation is _______.

A. not to count out words to the reader like coins, but to pay them out by weight as it were.

B. not to translate the meaning, but the form of the original C. to have all the ease of original composition. D. to translate sense, not words.

10. Which of the followings is the most important for a translator to take into consideration when he deals with the advertisement translation?

A. the writer’s status B. the source stylistic conventions C. the translator’s status D. the target stylistic conventions

II. Judging the following translations with “Y” (good) or “N” (not good): 15 %

1.Neat people buy everything in expensive little single portions.


2. Weather had darkened him and work had thinned him and gravity remained like a stain on his cheeks.

译文:四季风霜、长年劳累使他又黑又瘦,脸上透着一份抹不去的沉重。 3. If Main Street didn’t understand this, Wall Street did.

译文:这一点,如果大街不理解,华尔街是理解的。 4. 三人“品”字坐了,随便谈了几句。

译文:The three men sat down facing each other and began casually chatting.

5. “一要吃饭,二要建设”是指导我国经济工作的基本原则。

译文:A basic principle guiding our economic work is “Feed the people first and build the country second”.

III. Improve the following Translations: 20%

1. Belts of parkland line three sides of the area and four large open squares of lawn and trees break the regularity of the city buildings.


2. It is customary for adults to forget how hard and dull and long school was.


3. Often at the end of a hard day’s work one realizes with dismay that the meager stack of finished work one has accomplished has immeasurably slight impact on the work as a whole.


4. 保证人民充分行使管理国家和社会事物的权利。

译文:We should ensure the full existence of people’s right to manage the country and social affairs.

5. 我们要积极推进经济体制改革和经济增长根本改变,努力实现“十五”计划。

译文:We must actively promote the fundamental shift of economic system and of the mode of economic growth to fulfill with great efforts the Tenth Five-Year Plan.

IV. Translate the underlined parts into Chinese: 30%

Women have often more of what is called good sense than men. They have fewer pretensions; are less implicated in theories, and judge of objects more from their immediate and involuntary impression on the mind, and, therefore, more truly and naturally. They cannot reason wrong, for they do not reason at all. They do not think or speak by rule, and they have in general more eloquence and wit as well as sense, on that account. By their wit, sense, and eloquence together, they generally contrive to govern their husbands. Their style, when they write to their friends, is better than that of most authors. Uneducated people have most exuberance of invention.

V. Translate the following passage into English: 25%



Part I Choose the best answers from the followings 10 %


II. Judging the following translations with “Y” (good) or “N” (not good)15% NYNYN

III. Improve the following Translations: 20%

1. 城区三面绿化带环绕,四大广场草坪开阔,碧草绿树掩映,打破了城区建筑的单一布局。 2. 成年人往往忘了当年上学的日子多艰苦,多乏味,多漫长。

3. 往往一天辛苦工作下来,发现所成之事微不足道,仅仅是全部工作的九牛一毛,好不令人沮丧。

4. We should ensure the full existence of people’s right to govern the country and manage social affairs.

5. We must promote the fundamental shift of economic system and of the mode of economic growth to fulfill the Tenth Five-Year Plan.

IV. Translate the underlined parts into Chinese: 30%


V. Translate the following passage into English: 25%

Shanghai in modern times was a metropolis crowded with foreign adventurers.// After the port city opened up, it witnessed a history of blood and tears filled with bitterness, inequality, filth and mire, well-known as the “Parasise of Adventuers” for its rampant opiums, harlots and gamesters, which induced people to indulge in luxury and even degeneracy. //There was, however, another facet to modern Shanghai noted for its vigor, intelligence, creations and enterprise with a spirit ready for running risks, which formed an awareness of its own and the mechanism of competition. //The city, with this awareness or style, inspired its people to keep up with the times and make progress.







四.段落翻译英译汉(主观题):共30分,占卷面总分30%。 1)译文准确达意,通顺地道,流畅连贯可给满分;






