Basic Information Management
Item Information :Including the basic information, storage information, operation information and measuring unit information, etc.
Business partner Information: Including the basic information of customer and supplier.
Log Management: To record the operation information of syetem
Equipment Information: Including the general and operational information
Personnel information: Including the general and operational information
Report Management: the gereral inquiry and the generation of the report.
Right Management:To control the right of each system operator.
Data Model
1, 往来单位信息数据:基本数据与外界接口系统如(ERP、LMIS)共享,运作数据自己生成
Business partner Information Data: the basic information data can be shared with outside systems, such as ERP、LMIS. The operation information is generated and used by itself.
2, 物料数据:基本数据共享;
Item Data: basicl information is shared with other system.
3, 设备数据:基本数据共享,运作数据单独使用;
Equipment Data: basic information is shared with other system, while the operation information is used by itself.
4, 人员数据:基本数据共享,运作数据单独使用;
Personnel Data: basic information is shared with other system, while the operation information is used by itself.
Receipt Order Data: Used by itself.
5, 出库单:单独使用;
Shipment Order Data: Used by itself.
6, 补货单:单独使用;
Replenishment Order Data: Used by itself.
7, 拣货单:单独使用;
Picking Order Data: Used by itself.
8, 盘点单:单独使用;
Counting Order Data: Used by itself.
9, 损益单:单独使用;
Loss and Benefit Order: Used by itself.
10. 入库任务:与执行系统共享;
Inbound Task Data: Shared with the executive system ;
10, 出库任务;与执行系统共享;
Shipment Task Data: Shared with the executive system ;
11, 补货任务;与执行系统共享;
Replenishment Task Data: Shared with the executive system ;
12, 盘点任务;与执行系统共享;
Counting Task Data: Shared with the executive system ;
13, 拣货任务;与执行系统共享;
Picking Task Data: Shared with the executive system ;
14, 权限信息:单独使用;
Right Information Data: Used by itself.
User Interface
1, 入库单管理;
Receipt Order Management
2, 出库单管理;
Shipment Order Management
3, 盘点单管理;
Counting Order Management
4, 补货单管理;
Replenishment Order Management
5, 拣货单管理;
Picking Order Management
6, 出库任务管理;
Shipment Task Management
7, 入库任务管理;
Inbound Task Management
8, 盘点任务管理;
Counting Task Management
9, 补货任务管理;
Replenishment Task Management
10, 拣货任务管理;
Picking Task Management
11, 库位管理;
Location Management
12, 库存管理;
Inventory Management
13, 物料管理;
Item Management
14, 往来单位管理;
Business partner Management;
15, 设备管理;
Equipment Management
16, 人员管理;
Personnel Management
17, 日志管理;
Logs Management
18, 权限管理;
Right Management